Housecleaning prices

Curious who else on here uses a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning service. We’ve had a service for a while, and they do a great job, but it’s somewhat pricey.

Not a large place by any means, either. 2 story, about 1600 sq.ft.

So, any recommendations for under, say $200/mo.?

our cleaning service is $100 a week. he comes in bi weekly.

Parents pay $75 every 2 weeks, its a 4 bedroom, 2 bath big house.

Very lazy if you ask me.

$400 bucks to have your house cleaned twice in a month? How long does it really take to mop and wipe down some surfaces yourself? It’s the picking up that’s a pain and they don’t do that, right?

Yes, I am just jealous.

Jason, my mom cleans houses. She’s got a pretty packed schedule, but if you want me to ask her, let me know.


your wife or g/f should do it for free


I have 2 girls that do that on the side from my work. I believe they charge $20 to $30 an hour.

do the pro rate? i dont take that long when i am in a hurry?-----sorry i had to

My mom told me I should get one, I guess that means she thinks Hank and I trash the place. :lol:

On topic, we used to pay $40 a week for about the same size you are describing, but that was in the southtowns. The “market” is weaker there, so you pay a little less.


Hey, the one girl has a cleaning gig almost every day of the week. The other girl does it full time and also does some businesses.

Hey, if people are willing to pay…

Excuse me? Look…I’m in the middle of starting up a business, my wife has a damn good, well-paying, but demanding as hell job, add 2 kids to the mix, and our free time is extremely valuable to us. The house already stays “clean” 90% of the time, but if we can cut out the 2-3 hours we spend every damn Saturday doing the floor washing, dusting, and the rest of the detail stuff, then it’s worth it to us.

So, to keep it short, the whole lazy comment isn’t appreciated.

um…my wife works her ass off, and we both do the day to day cleaning equally. I was asking a legit question and don’t need comments like this.

Joe…that would be great! We’re trying to find a decent balance between a larger corporate service like we’re using, and a person or couple of people who do this sort of thing as a small business arrangement, but are also trustworthy, so a personal referral is exactly what I’m looking for.


Don’t sweat the kids that don’t know what real life is like. :lol:


yea but joe’s mom is crazy and she’ll steal all your shit

lol, just kidding

all though she does drive a nissan, can’t trust anyone that drives a nissan.

I mean srsly, look at fry

Jesus, no shit. Looking real forward to the day that one of these guys may actually meet her at a gathering or here at the shop and she rips them a new one.

my parents pay only 60 per cleaning, they get it done bi-weekly. I would hook you up with a contact, but they live 400 miles away.