How did you pick your career?

i always made shit better where i worked, if that means IT, or eliminating other peoples jobs, fixing process issues… i just did it… and will continue to until i get bored


i like getting fucked by men… so i went to gay porn


What the fuck is wrong with you:thankyou: how many titles have you produced to date? :poke: do you :walter: with your boyfriend often?

why does everyone think that all CS majors do is just program?


why does everyone think that all CS majors do is just program?


Because this curriculum makes you take C++ up the ass…and most who pass this usually are programmers of some sort…but I agree, I used to be decent at programming and now I am more in hardware sales and post-sale support. I hate programming and C++ can suck my ass:loopie:


why does everyone think that all CS majors do is just program?


Beucase anyone who started as a CS major and lasted a year or less all they did was program in Java and C++ and then take math…

a year or less is pretty much java only and very little math

im finishing my CS degree this year and I DO NOT plan on becoming a computer programmer

I am moving next summer to vermont to get back into school doing a 3 year program to get a B.S. in Resort Management from Green Mountain College.

Ever since I was in like 5th grade, I knew I wanted to do something that related to skiing in some way. It’s more than just a hobby for me. Moreso a lifestyle.

Ultimately I would like to get into the marketing aspect for a large resort, and wouldn’t have any problem calling Vermont my home as well. It’d be an awesome area to raise kids in.

Many members of my family have been involved in law enforcement. Plus my uncle was a cop and he was shot and killed in richmond virginia in the line of duty. So ive kind of always felt like i owed to him or pick up where he left off or whatever. Plus its one of the very few jobs left where theres very little math involved.

Me and math = oil and water.

I’m fine with basic business math but I get lost in the more advanced material.I think its going to be a limiting factor for me.

UPS driver here. I don’t have the college degrees that you guys have. Not too many decent paying blue-collar jobs in the Buffalo area. You pretty much have GM (Tonawanda engine plant), Ford (stamping plant), and UPS, and maybe a few others. I am employed by the most stabile company in the world, and just knowing that takes a load off my shoulders. Every year we get busier and busier, and there is no end in sight, courtesy of good 'ol internet shopping! I actually had an “in” at GM a while back, but the way domestic auto makers like to close plants every 10 or 15 years with no warning, I turned it down.

“IF” I was still in college, I would try to find a career that would be very difficult to outsource, that’s a key.

Ok here’s one -through HS i wanted to go to law school, ended up at Canisus for pre-med to either be a chiropractor or do sports medicene, drank and partied too much ended up with a degree in automotive technology (dont turn a hobby into a career) ran/worked in various shops for 12 years and now for 10 years i’m in a regulation position for the state and prosecute offenders for a living (talk about full circle) without a law degree. Nice I shoulda done 8 yrs in law school and made more chickens

i dunno, i’ve always been into psychology since HS, reading old college texts from the '60s on up (those were pretty fucked up :wink: )

I was going to go to UB for architecture, but after shadowing my aunt at a firm in Buffalo, decided that it was a horrible idea for me. So I got my BA in Psych instead. I always enjoyed what I was learning, and knew I’d have to go to grad school to get a decent job in what I was interested in. I liked working with people at that point, and the research assistant position I had was somewhat rewarding, so I only stuck with my BA instead of the BS.

I also nearly failed my first 2yrs at UB, because I wanted to do something with cars. Boy, I’m glad I didn’t do that. I know now that I’d hate it.

I decided to get my Ed.M. in School Counseling because while I enjoyed working with troubled teenagers 12-17 while interning/ later working at Compass House runaway shelter in Buffalo, I didn’t enjoy working with that demographic for such redonkulous pay. Nor did I feel safe at my job. However, when bad shit wasn’t happening, it was one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever, ever had.

I’ve just completed my first year at a high school just outside of Wilmington, NC as one of their three school counselors, and love what I do. I have a state job that is mandated (being a middle/ HS counselor), make decent ‘chickens’, and like Slasky said… you have a pretty good idea of your hours and LOTS of time off. Which you frequently need, as it can be stressful beyond belief at times.

I plan to go back to school in VA for my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology in 2-3yrs. For what I do and how hard I work, the NC pay scale’s a joke. I could work 30yrs and max out at 50K. I frequently stay past 5pm, just because I like to do a GOOD fucking job. The professors I had at UB never actually had school experience as counselors, and I personally want to have at least 10yrs experience before I ever think about teaching any students about any form of counseling. Between many students leaving with their Master’s & little to no exp. dealing with parents or scheduling… I think a lot about what I deal with every day and how I would teach it. The research I will eventually do can help facilitate what I do with these eventual college students.

Ok, before I get off-track:

  • I found something I love, that doesn’t make a good hobby. I find the inner workings of the mind and interpersonal interaction fascinating, to say the least. I’m one of those people who don’t just say it, I mean it based on much experience- I enjoy working with kids. I found a job that blends these interests, and gives me the opportunity to advance if I so, and do, desire.

opinions on community college?

Is this advice good?

Go to a community college and get an associates, then transfer over to a four year and complete a bachelors.

I got suckered in. My degree is Film+Animation and my dad needed a web site and some collateral for his new company. I said “fuck no” til he offered money and a broke college student with a 951 doesn’t turn down money. Next thing I knew, I was using my 2 yrs of Graphic Design @ RIT far more than anything film related and blamo, now I’m the Creative Director of our full-service marketing company and having a blast doing everything from web to print to billboards to vehicle graphics.

Not at ALL what I intended with school, but who knows, I might do this another 5 years then go shoot/produce for Speed (or someone else now that they’re owned by Faux)

I couldn’t decide so I took gen eds for a few years, then spent too much money on a civic, then thru a good stroke of lucky nepotism, got a job, and now have the experience to bounce and get a better job.


Wanted to do something in Electronics, joined the USAF and the only Electronic related job they had was HVAC. Came back to Buffalo and worked with residential and commercial HVAC units. Working on a roof in the south towns in the middle of a storm recharging an ac unit for a walk in cooler is not fun. Tried to do some mechanical work at Coca Cola and after a year being in a union getting .35 cents raise a year wasnt cutting it. Used the GI Bill money and went to school for IT since I love tinkering around with networks and computers. Was looking for an IT job 2 months prior to graduating and here I am. Working in Video surveillance security as several different titles, just kinda fell into it. They liked my electronic and IT background.

didnt know what i wanted to do.Had a in at an electrical union.Well i still had to bust my ass and take classes just to get into an apprenticeship.So it only helped a little.
It was either this or the army.I enjoy it most of the times.Brutal conditions though.
Good pay so i will be able to afford the life/things i want.

Well, I liked the food at McDonalds, so the choice was simple…