how do i break up with a psycho g/f????

phone crap aside… you still didn’t do this?

get it over with! if there was ever anyone who needs to convert to single, sounds like it’s you, duder

lol …

from last night:

Sinister902 : i dunno, so far im invited to 2 parties
Nissan240sxPOS : its a sign that drinking is > the your gf
Sinister902 : i know, drinking IS > my g/f
Sinister902 : i have to break up with my g.f first lol
Nissan240sxPOS : lmao
Nissan240sxPOS : find someone to fuck her … then dump her cause she cheated
Sinister902 : no offense but even you wouldnt fuck her
Nissan240sxPOS : lol
Nissan240sxPOS : thats only offensive if your trying to say shes to skinney for my tastes
Sinister902 : lol
Nissan240sxPOS : so … uh … springville ?
Sinister902 : naw
Sinister902 : i think im gonna stick around here
Sinister902 : more poon
Sinister902 : lol
Sinister902 : hot poon
Nissan240sxPOS : hot poon ? where ?
Sinister902 : hahahaha
Sinister902 : :snky:
Nissan240sxPOS : fucker
Sinister902 : hahahahaha
Sinister902 : you know i love you
Sinister902 : buuuuutt…i really need some poon
Nissan240sxPOS : poon ftw
Sinister902 : well i g2g
Sinister902 signed off at 10:10 P.M.

Crazy women are tuff, I am sure crazy guys are too.

In reality there is no way out. Even when you think it is over, and she finally has moved on, they come back around.

This is why you should not do anything irrational, I do not care how crazy she may be.

Do it right, do it fast, and pray to your god.

I see only a few posts in this thread that lead me to believe that poster has delt with a true crazy broad. The rest are just BS.

Again, good luck.

i once woke up to an ex watching me sleep through my window. top that.

wow. thats… pretty bad. I have some good ones, but i don’t want to follow that act. some are similar though.


:word: you think ull be out, but you wont be.

just get it over with and stop beating around the bush. yeah she is crazy (i can vouch for that statement), but just remember, the cops are just a phone call away …

i’m just playing, except for the crazy part. just tell her that you dont feel the same way about her anymore. you care about her, but not like you used to. stuff like that … stop trying to figure out EXACTLY what you’re going to say and just do it DAMN IT lol

i am going to call her tonight and just say it, get it out, and hang up immediately without giving her a chance to speak. then if she calls back ill ignore it. if she has the balls to call back more than 3 times the phone is going off, and tomarrow morning im going into cingular to have her number blocked. tonight is the end, i HAVE TO DO THIS. thanks to everyone’s support, i really needed the extra puch to get the confidence to just do it.

If all else fails…3grand and you will never have to see her again :nite:

^ lol.


you are deathly scared of this confrontation, it sounds like

  1. in person
  2. be ready to talk
  3. drink beers, b/c after that - the shit is OVER. clean break, done the right way

Fuck, just typed up a long post about all sorts of shit, even referencing Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People but it all boils down to this:

Be honest. No matter how much it hurts you or her.

It won’t be pleasant. She won’t understand. You won’t feel good about it. It will hurt. There is no easy way. For the good of both of you, just muster up all your confidence and tell it like it is. Do not leave any false hopes.

Fuck all the bullshit. Tell it straight and git er done.

hey nick would i know this individual?..

^ no bill you wouldnt. and its done. im a free man…fresh thread on that.

^ that’s it? no dirt on how she reacted? just a simple “it’s done”. I’m disappointed.

i hope u can never concieve children and no e was no kid. i went to the doctor with her. (after i told her theres a flight of stairs in my house if u wanna do this the easy way)

get your number changed, call her *67 tell her things are not working out, its over… then you’ll never hear from her again