how do i break up with a psycho g/f????

kyra augustina … best ass on the internet

The nice guy thing definitely isn’t gonna work. She seems too crazy to let go that easy. You gotta man up and tell her the truth, and forcefully so. If you try to be all nice about it, she’ll think you aren’t really serious about it. Trust me on this one, the easiest way isn’t necessarily the best.

Hahahaha, just noticed this. You’re right… I didn’t like that being aired out, especially since most of it wasn’t true, and he didn’t know I was there to read it.

PMed instead

Change your phone #, then never call her

^thinking about that one, cause this is just getting rediculous. its all mindgames and i fuckin hate mindgames

how hard is it to just totally ignore the person? Tell her it’s over and end it man…wtf

lol. from the guy who’s been dating the same girl forever. it’s like taking break up advice from dan or donovan.

no seriously, she texts him so often it pisses OTHER people off just having to listen to the phone beep

when doing nicks turbo setup, there were more chimes from the phone then any other noise in teh garage

she annoys the fuck out of ME and ive never even met her !

make a group in the phone and set that group to silent…problem solved

^^^ except for the fact that its a cell phone, which means 10 calls a day X 30 days = 300 minutes used despite the fact that the call was ignored

25 texts a day x 30 days = $75 in text messages … despite the fact that the text was never read

simply ignoring texts / calls on a cell is an expensive way to break up, unless u have unlimited everything

Change the number then…apparently she’s not going to stop bothering him no matter what he does…so why not go the route of using the least effort possible

And I don’t believe the phone ringing counts against your minutes

If it goes to voicemail it does

^^^and phone companies reserve the right to charge you just cause your phone rang, doesnt even have to go to voice mail

been there, seen that, had to pay fro it

number change

if its a vzw phone, minutes are not used when a call goes to voicemail. minutes are used when you check your vm from the phone.

if you are getting a lot of texts, either get a package to cover it, or block it.

with my psycho oh i loveuiampregnantafter2weeks of knowing ex i turned text messageing off yes it was 300 dollars to late but

If both of you are IN (verizon/verizon) then just pay the $5/months for unlimited IN calling/text/pics…

But, that all depends on the carriers.

Have you broken up with her yet, or is this pre-planning for what is ahead? LOL

so, did she have the kid yet?

I’m just assuming, because anyone that would say that they are having YOUR kid, probably isn’t lying.


:lol: oh snap ^^

actually… I’m the lucky girl—er… guy