how do i break up with a psycho g/f????

pffff… Its been 3 years and I still don’t think she gets it :stuck_out_tongue:

Advice for anyone reading this thread who has never had a ‘crazy’, and I now see a lot of nyspeeders have had the same problems :tup:.

Remember the three S's. And if you think your chick might be a little crazy, get out ASAP! It will only get much worse, fast.

oh yeah, tell her 1wk ‘break’

i guarantee that she will be THE biggest pain in the ass you have ever seen in your life if you do that for that week

that is a horrible, horrible plan

but you’re a nice guy - you’ll do it up right :tup:

i love this thread. can’t you tell?

I think its part of becoming a man to have a mandatory crazy to deal with. They way i got rid of mine, was became the worst guy possible, was rude as hell, would lay out a big fart while “cuddling” belch her name when i wanted her. any thing that would be funny to guys is disgusting to them. they become repulsed by you and finally leave. Then about a year and a half later ask why.

some times that doesn’t happen…

One GF I would talk about shitting… farting (i actually got her to love farting) burping… I’ve Even would pee in the shower when she was in there and piss on her leg her back… she wouldn’t fucking leave!!! I think she liked it… what ever… but being the asshole isn’t a good thing… just tell the bitch flat out… its fucking over

This doesn’t work. in fact, if the girl is one of the head case variety, theyre usually attracted to it on a subconscious level, because it’s more “masculine”


“I’m no longer interested in being in this relationship.”


just walk away dude…and if she continues to stalk you…hate fuck her

then walk away again…

you can break up with her but it will take a while for her to actually accept it…find someone else for her to date thats the only way she’ll ever leave you alone…

Chiming in now.

I breezed over the massive amounts of posts.

Sounds like you aren’t dealing with someone who will be able to cope with “Listen, it’s just not working for me.”

So, blow up on her (or be crazy) while she is in front of friends/family.

You’ve been out with her for 15 months, you know what pisses her off, you know her pet peeves… use what you know.

i’d still suggest first trying the nice guy serious approach, but if that doesn’t work, flip out, maaan.

Making her realize that you aren’t what you used to be (kinda like what happened with her to you) WILL make breaking up with you a lot easier.

nice guy approach won’t work. she’ll just go off more…i’ve been there. we’re all fucking nuts. you need to flip out.

just be really really nice … chicks hate nice guys

then … start hanging out less and less all while chasing other chicks. this is called the isurance policy. don’t toss one untill you have another.

So what the fuck happened? Did you say anything yet?

Just do it already…

call her dumb shell never forget it and be serious about it, or plan B if shes hot intoduce me and ill fuck her brains out and shell completely forget about you. i like plan B and im not one for relationships…

to be honest i have been being a bit of an ass to her for a few weeks now, ditching her often to be with my friends, not calling nearly as much, shutting my phone off to avoid her, etc, etc. and nothing has really made a difference. last night didnt go so well, she started talking about what was happening to her leg and how she had to go to the hospital and that was the end of that convo. she wants to hang out today, im gonna see how long i can wait before she calls wondering what im doing, and then kinda try to dive right into it. PS, shes not hot anymore, she was in the beginning, but since she tore her ACL and MCL she really let go. not to mention she struts around in a white beater and gym shorts all the time, and i hate that she refuses to pretty herself for my viewing pleasure.

can she at least cook and give good BJs?

just try that kinky shit you’ve never tried before… without asking her :slight_smile: go doggy style then just … opps fall in the wrong hole :wink: and see how long you can hold on

Did you give Pitlord the same advice?? :rofl:


fight me

Hhahahahah!!! :rofl:


you guys are all crazy…new plan…

sit home and wait for her to call wondering why i havent called yet and reply with “because i was trying to think of a way to tell you how i feel without being an asshole”…then go from there with the niceguy “i dont feel the same anymore, you can do better” kinda speach. wish me luck and pray for me lol. i want to be free to molest my car instead of her.

if thats ur gf’s ass in ur avatar send her my way i’ll put up with a psycho bitch with an ass like that