how do i break up with a psycho g/f????

Annoy her like she does you. Call her 27 times a day, get an attitude when she doesnt answer her phone-this is turn will cause arguements- and because your “fighting” so much and just “can’t get along”… your just gonna have to break up. :slight_smile:

it works.

ill see what happens when i try to talk to her about it on the phone, ill try nice guy explanation of how i feel, if she flips to a backflip180ollie into asshole mode. i will be as reasonable as i can, as long as i can…but if she pushes the right buttons im gonna unleash

I remember your “i’m single thread”.


And Clean Baldy is right…it could be worse…another forum member could have taken away your girlfriend of 2 years.

Nick the only thing you can do, is post pics.


Is shes a total ugly, I’ll go by her house and punch her in the face. And if shes a cutie, i’ll totally go by her house and fuck her…and then make her feel guilty…she will HAVE to break up with you!

post pics.

Wow, al capowned. I was surprised Joel didnt go there

lol at clean baldy…he has obviously never dealt with a crazy chick before…

all rational thought is tossed out the window…

oh and beck you definitly made me lol :tup:

i’ll second that

haha, no - these things don’t work. where’s the HRK? he’ll back up my raunch and poorly selected date activities

he did initially, but thanks to the edit button, he went with some semblance of tact instead

You must learn this one on your own. Seriously, breaking up with a crazy bitch is a fine art.

You have to find your own form of doing this. No one elses ways will work as well for you.

Anyone that knew me in highschool knows what I am talking about. I still think I should get an award.

Good luck…

this man has a point, he went out with the hot but mental portion of sweet home high school and lived



sounds a minor elaboration could result in numerous entertaining stories… c’mon guys :slight_smile:

haha, i was just goin on word around the school from 4 years ago ill let him give specifics. brendan?


I don’t even want to get into it right now.

One day, I am going to make a thread with some fun short stories, nudes, and maybe ill edit some of videos out of a few gigs made.
(only because it happened the other way around once… another looong story)

No promises though, but I did it once on OT.

I had one of the crazys as a sig back in the day on the barf.

…and back on topic…

Just don’t be a total ass when you do it. It only makes the crazys worse. Trust me. And it’s not always their fault they are crazy. I am serious, something may not work right in them.

So be nice, and do it fast. And then do her friends.

Now i’m intrigued. Which one edited video on you?

Well, the craziest of them (you should know who I mean), had one of the videos. I pissed this crazy off, by means I will not mention. Then she showed all her friends the video.

I was pissed, but… Some of her friends wanted to then be my friends. And know I have proper grounds to post some too.


…I had a feeling. Vids or ban.

caugh kickherinthebabymaker caugh

HRK finaly hittin the thread, lol

my crazy bitch was the same way … and i broke up with her over the phone, caled her a bitch, said i was fucking someone else, and that she should never talk to me again

she called me 5 times a day, i would always answer … and set the phone doen when ever we talked … took her a month to finaly realize i seriously wasnt listening to her on the phone … i was most likely in some other part of the house while she babbeled …

but back on topic, nicks gf is totaly irrational, everything he has said about her so far is TOTALY true

we seriously wanted to call her from carlisle and be like “yea, nick is in the middle of a hot chick sandwich in the hotel room bedroom right now …”

seriously, if she was the drinking type, i sooooooooooooooo would have teabagged her face by now …

is she hot? take naked pics of her and post them up on here…that will surely piss her off lol.

Play her BuckCherry- Crazy Bitch, the uncensored version, and tell her to disregard the part about being a good fuck, and thats what you think of her.

When having sex with her look at her facial expresions, then when she asks why you are looking at her like that. Tell her that if you close your eyes you’ll think of other girls and go right away… at least looking at her you last…

Said that once during sex… she wasn’t happy and it started a downhill slide that she ended up ignoring me… (best thing to happen ever in my life)

on a serious note…

Tell her flat out you aren’t happy with her… and you want to take a break and see if it can change the way you think about each other… set a time limit like a week where you won’t talk to her (meaning she can’t call you for the week). Then when that week is over if you really wanna give her the boot. Tell her things just are different you don’t want to be with her anymore… Then after the crying and bullshit that she will start up (of course if she starts throwing shit… its time to leave fuck her you dont need the abuse, I’ve had sandals, a chair, cd’s thrown at me before. I got the fuck out of that relationship quick) with the crying… jsut stay there for a little bit… until it slows… then say you have to go to work or something like that…

then as much as she tries DON’T TALK TO HER FOR AT LEAST A MONTH OR UNTIL YOU FIND ANOTHER GIRL AND fuck it up with her and you want a booty call… (although it doesn’t help the situation but rebound sex could be awesome… I’ve gotten some crazy shit from my ex in this type of situation… and let me tell you getting your salad tossed… is SPECTACULAR)