how do i break up with a psycho g/f????

psycho girls love it when you walk away

yeah that’ll fly :tup:

Tell her it’s not her, it’s you.

Tell her the sun and moon absolutely do NOT rise in her eyes.

Find a very comfortable friend, and tell her you went gay, has a little logic too it…not much

just be blunt. say “look you psyco bitch, we are done” lol

Anybody who’s got the balls to boost a Focus has got to have the balls to nut up and tell her in person that you want out. You’re not doing anybody any favors letting a dead relationship drag on.

hahaha I’m a professional at this. I remember once breaking up with this chick and she took all this crap from her car and threw it on my lawn, then got in her car, put it in reverse and started doing backwards donuts thru the front yard… it was fucked up.

sometimes you just have to be blunt though… beating around the bush wont get you anywhere ya want to be

Hit her in the head with a shovel repeatedly until her speech is slurred and her eyeballs are pointing in different directions. Then get her a one way plane ticket to russia and all your problems are solved. :tup:


hah thats not pycho! Try having an gf/ex that repeatedly tried to get you arrested and/or fired. That went to your friends and told them out right lies trying to make it look like you beat her. Leaving voicemails, texts, notes, emails, IMs, comign into my work etc etc etc to try and have me come back to her…all of this after she broke up with me…

My advise to you is do this as soon as possible, and to be as blunt as possible. Break all contact.

break up…if she starts ish…call the cops and get a restraining order


restraining orders are just another way of saying “i love you”

Advise not to do that. I tried that once, next thing I knew she was on top of me punching and both of us where rolling down a flight of stairs. I got some nice bruises and black eye out of that night. Best thing to do if shes really crazy is to be on ground level and have people in the general area to be witnesses in case shit goes down.

When having sex with her, tell her you have AIDS. Then tell her you only got AIDS cause you don’t want to be with her anymore, and her best friend is better in the sack anyways. To top things off, ask her for a couple phone numbers of her hot friends.

only when it comes to u honey

The restraining order says no, but her eyes say YESYES!

last time i broke up with a girl like this, she punched me in the face, so i ducked down and covered my face, she then proceeded to pull my shirt up over my head and clawed the shit outta my back. when i got up and started to walk away she grabbed my arm quite forcfully. i was able to rip it free and got the fuck outta there. i still had the marks from her nails a year later.

If she gives you any guff, just boot her in the muff!

Hahaha… I think that’s the funniest thing you’ve ever said… :rofl:

I got that line too, then she even had the nerve to ask my brother if I was cheating on her as well as others. Which pissed me off enough, to then find out she then cheated on me a few days prior which was making her all paranoid in trying to find something to justify it only to realize I don’t do that shit.

There is no way around it though, you won’t make a clean getaway in this case if she is like this now. The best way would be face-to-face. Don’t beat around the bush just get to the point immediatly, if she tries to cut you off then you’re going to have to play the role of asshole. And possibly be rude about it to get your point accross.

Text messages will not do it, nor will a phone call from the way this sounds. And regardlessshe might stalk you a bit.

EDIT: Or just do a lot of undesireable things like, not bathe, wear the same clothes, be boring as fuck, take her to car meets, maybe even bring up video games and what ever else she hates. And just drive her off. Then again that could have adverse affects on your friends. (Ex. foul odor, scuzz level). Though obviously it’s just bad advise. :slight_smile:

shit on her chest
