how do i break up with a psycho g/f????


good post dude

EDIT: although i do love the story about the lamp chick who you threw a glass at in canada after dancing with like 38 other hot bitches in the club


per usual, go with newman. shit’s on lock

HOLY SHIT The biggest womanizer here gave the only answer I can agree with/respect!!!1

i am going to bed now. i just wanted one last chance to clear this up, i realize my initial post probably came off bad, and i dont want anyone thinking i just dont care about her and that im some huge asshole. what i really want is a good clean way to get my feelings out in a way that she can understand and not come after me/stalk me afterwards. i wish her the best, but in all honesty i think us going our separate ways would be better for both of us. she always wants me to make her decisions for her, and i cant handle that, i dont want to make her fuck up her life and then feel guilty, not to mention if she goes through life with someone else making her decisions for her she will never grow into her own person and will never truly know who she is. i think we have both grown from the relationship, but i also feel it is time for it to end. alot of things has changed in the past couple of months and im just not happy anymore, and i get the feeling she isnt either, but she is just fooling herself into thinking she is. i would actually love to get an opinion from one of the females on her, becuase i do care about her and everything, but i just need this monkey of my back the best way possible. i appreciate everyone’s time in trying to help me out with my dilema, and ive really been trying to deal with this on my own but its not really working out, and ive never really had to do this to someone so i was hoping to get some food for thought so i dont totally screw this up. thanks guys. NYspeed is my family

had a girl like that. it sucks. get out, now.

Didn’t I say the same thing at first?

you know what, thanks newman, you really are a good guy. this is exaclty what i was looking for. i just hope come tomarrow i have the balls to just come out with it, and hope she doesnt explode at me.

idk i was too lazy/disgusted to read all of them. Bravo to you if you did…

Here’s a suggestion, if your going to try to break-up with her civilly and you don’t want her to blow the fuck up at you. Then I suggest that you take her somewhere public. Where there is a shit load of people so she can’t scream, yell, bitch, or moan about what your about to tell her. So that way if she wanted to make a scene she wouldn’t. Hopefully. Goodluck buddy.

*some girls will do ALL those things

she sounds like she very well would, from what nick’s been saying

but he’ll know what to do

and man i can’t wait to see the updates tomorrow, and the pics of the black eye, broken focus windshield, etc :wink:

Hhahahahhahahahahha hahahahahahahaha, how many girls have you dated?
crazy ones love to cause a scene bro.

Good luck with the whole thing.

:lolsign: That would suck if that happened.

yeah, this relationship sounds unhealthy… I agree with the people who say be honest, though I don’t know if that’ll work on a girl like her. she sounds like she’s the type that will never listen to what she doesn’t feel like hearing.


It sounds like a Catch 22 relationship. She acts the way she does because she sees you react badly. You act badly because of the way shes acting. A downward spiral feeding off of itself.

5 months of that will make it feel like reality. If she stopped responding to the way you act, and acted like she used to, you’d probably act the way you used to, and things would be OK. But, one of you has to invest emotionally, physically, psychologically in acting fine (not fine like you think is fine, but FINE) to see if there is a positive reaction.

You both need to sit down and discuss what you want from your relationship, but not blaming, not saying “we need to do this” “We need to do that” that never works. Discuss what you SEE happening, and WHY. Without knowing why she acts that way, or why you act the way you do towards her, both of you are doomed.

From your last two responses, it seems that you really do care about her and want what was to return. You’re right, sometimes enough is enough. Maybe you could get a mediator with a psychology background to help in determining why you act the ways you do toward each other.

I don’t know the right way to end your relationship, but I could always help make it better. I’m not saying that it will work, and I don’t know if you two are good at communicating or taking critisism or advice from each other… but, I’m just trying to help.

If you do it right then maybe she won’t you never know. It’s worth a try.

hey jeff how about the part where i pwned you hard on the last page and Now you’re playing nice :tup:

EDIT: i rule.

Well, I was pissed at first, but then he came out and explained how he felt deep down, making me gain more respect for him and his dilemma. He does care about her, etc, etc.

I am always about helping people out when they deserve it. At first, he didn’t deserve it. Then, I read his next few longer posts and now I want to try to help him out.

okay, everyone, take your pants off

group hug

lol, this just proves how much of a newman ass-doer you are.

22nd post

tell mci to cut the phone cords…

just flat out tell her you need some space. no bitching, or anything. if she starts just walk away.