lol. ya gotta get him to do the “backwards man”. i made it up with some friends. its a variation of the goat where you arange afformentioned goat stance and wedge a hot dog between your cheeks as to make it resemble and nice erect wee wee!
that is the meanest thing i have ever heard omg thats amazing. vid of that would be unbeleivable and bring you internet fame. please introduce yourself if you ever catch me at a meet, so i can shake your hand lol.
edit, this meant for soopafly
good idea :tup: i think that’s what i’ll do my next breakup.
thats really really mean. but at the same time, i rofled haha
I need a pic of her so I can give you advice,it’ll be much easier.
holy crap soopa steve
what on earth did she do that was that horrible?
- hey, the thread had to subdivide into various topics at some point :gotme:
exactly. let me put this into perspective. her mom is a single bi-polar alcholic, who continues to date on and off a guy that has beaten her before, and she even has a standing restraining order against. her father and mother we not married when she was born, and he used to beat them both, she no longer acknowledges his existance. her grandfater who basically is her father due to above said situation, has had three open heart serguries again, and hes looking like he needs a pacemaker now. her grandmother is getting MADD alzheimers, and the rest of them are alchies. she hates them all. i am seriously the only thing she looks forward to. i hate it, because thats a huge load on my shoulders, and im sick of being her crutch. all she ever does is dump all her problems on me about how sad she is about someone sick or someone being dumb in her family, or how her and her mother fight on a daily basis and just keep telling each other how much they hate one another and hope the other would just die already. this is seriously some fucked up shit and i have to get out, cause its bringing down my morale
yes that was me lol, stupid fucking bolt snapping off on my exhaust manifold causing all my backpressure to vanish and running my car pig right cause its coming out before the o2 sensor. fuck that shit. lol
I completely disagree with this thread, your way of dealing with this situation, and the immaturity of you coming to random people on a forum about your personal problems. Sure, I’ll probably get attacked in here, but I don’t care. Am I honestly the only one that started reading the post, and thought “WTF?”
You should never have made a thread like this about someone, especially your girlfriend of 15 months. She cares for you, and it definitely appears that you don’t give two shits about her. But, we shouldn’t know this. You should be dealing with it yourself, and when its done… make a post saying “I’m single” or something… and we’ll all be there for ya. You are going to hurt her more than you can imagine, and this thread will probably make it worse. How would you like it if it was the other way around, and she came on here saying all the worst things about you to everyone on here, and you didn’t know? You’d think she was an asshole… and right now, I think you are just that.
And what if tomorrow things magically get better, and this post is here? Plan first, act second.
She can do better.
I don’t care if I just pissed you off. The truth hurts.
its way too long of a story but she fucked up the relationship pretty bad and took advantage of how i felt for her on more than a few occasions, and when i told her we were done, she wouldnt stop calling me, leaving vm’s, etc. during one school day she called me like 64 times and left me 30 vm’s crying saying how bad she missed me. i got fed up with it and decided i needed something good that would make her never wanna talk to me for a VERY long time.
jesus christ
i read like 4 posts and realized all you guys suck
be hinest. Tell her all the points you made. Say “im done”.
sometimes guys wanna talk about things before they do them with other guys to prevent bad situations like that, bro
haha, truth hurts… yeah, Clean Baldy, voice of truth himself here
you’re a funny guy.
EDIT: soopa - and for that, you rule pretty hard, dude
EDIT2: remember this, jeff?
sometimes guys like to talk about things with other dudes online, sometimes people they don’t know. i happen to know nick. maybe that girl didn’t like you airing out the personal shit of your broken relationship online to us - but we were there when you needed us - like we are for our boy nick.
truth hurts
ha, you black kettle, you
ouch, I had something similar to that when I was 17ish. Everytime I tried to break up with her she threatened to kill herself and it literally went on for 6 months and I tried to break up with her after the 4th month. As fucked up as it sounds. I was extremely unhappy staying with this girl, the sex was horrible and I wasn’t attracted to her anymore(it was one of the my friends with your friend so let’s fuck type thing) I eventually said look i’m done she brought up the slitting her wrists thing, I said I wish you the best hope you don’t closed the knife drawer she had open and walked out.
but she also had a supportive father/friends at least, and I knew 100% she wouldn’t do it.
in your case ehhhh I duno, maybe get her a counselor first?
listen mom things are rough sometimes and shell just have to figure out how to keep her chin up on her own. everyone needs to be hurt at least once in order to understand relationships better. the dudes in a wack relationship and he want sout. why dont you look at it from his unhappy perspective. how about how much shes hurting him by not letting him do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. i had a g/f just like her if not worse. she took away things and friends forom me that ill never get back and now i have to deal and so does nick. the time hes wasting is redic. its the greatest gift he could of ever given her becuase its the only thing he can never take/get backl and she wasted on him. :tdown: to her.
in response to clean baldy:
yeah dude, maybe he doesnt know how to effectively handle this himself. whats wrong with asking some other people for thier moral opinions? hell, my props to him for having the balls to come on here and say ‘look guys, im in a bit of a personal bind, and im not sure what to do, can you help guide me in the right direction?’ thats balls to come out and admit that. hopefully now he can make this easier for him and her now.
you know what, you are completely right. i know im an asshole for doing this, but ive dealt with this for 15 months thinking it would all change and things would get better. but it hasnt. i know its going to hurt her, but she has absolutely smothered me to death. i have given NUMEROUS chances for things to turn around, we have had countless huge conversations on what needs to be done the next time a situation comes up like where i want to hang out with the guys and she gets mad. and what gets me is we end up agreeing on how to handle it the next time, and she just throws it all out the window and resorts back to screaming at me and saying im ditching her when we never even made plans. i understand im an asshole, but ive supported her for this long no questions asked, and im actually on pretty decent guy on a regular day and whatnot, and i feel like shit for feeling the way i do, but there just comes a point where you have to take time for yourself for a bit, im tired if making all the sacrifices and ditching my firends cause she will cry if i dont come over, im sick of being her emotional dumping ground. i have plenty of my own crap on my shoulders, and all the extra she is adding has just become to much for me, i have reached my breaking point and i want nothing more than for it to be mutual between us. i dont understand how she can say shes sick of me but still “care so much about me that she doesnt want to lose me over stupid shit” when in all actuality we are just not compatible. and to also be honest, i WAS on the other side of this 2yrs ago, with a girl i had been with for 3 yrs. i smothered her away, and regret it to this day, and i know it was completly my fault…and if i could have just trusted her a little more and been more lenient i would probably have married her. so i know what both sides of this feels like, and i know how long this will hurt her, but i cant help it, im in over my head and something has to give. i will however commend you for your morals, i only wish i had the guts you have, and i am not at all offended by the truth. i like being told just how it is, i hate sugar coating. i beleive it or not want this to go down the least painful way possible, and i dont want to be bitter in dumping her. i just worry if i try to do the nice and easy let down she will just start screaming and then ill bust out something mean like “omg your psycho i cant take this anymore we are done!!!” coment and regret being that mean.
wheres newman when you need him…he’s got this shit on lock down
^^ hahahah he was the single person i was most interested in his response. PS im stopping in the shop tomarrow with some good news lol. and i need another WG test to see if i fixed the leaks so i dont have to refund the new proud owner
haha. well, right on cue i guess…
I’m not feeling very funny, so, i’ll give you the best advice i can…
I have tried breaking up with various girls various ways… and no matter what i try, it all comes down to being honest, upfront and legit. You can tell her that you want a “break”, but quite frankly, you don’t want a break. You want out… and having a girl who thinks she is on a break, is going to only increase the amount of pestering that you will get, because she has nothing to chew on. Tell her how you feel. Give something solid, don’t bullshit. Give her some things to consider and tell her if she really cares about you, to think about it for 2 or 3 days and then come to you with questions and concerns, etc. Because, you really need time to think about it as much as she does… Be stern about the terms, and make sure she abides by them. If she doesn’t, then it will just give you more leverage to push her further away. “all that i asked for was this one thing and you couldn’t do it, this is exactly why… etc etc etc”
Cliff notes? be honest, forward and polite. She’ll respect you more in the end. Don’t get sappy. It’s her, not you, don’t lie and tell her otherwise.