how do people actually get to work

I fucking hate motherfuckers who drive 8mph. I was stuck behing this old fuck on the way to work today and my pos altima is too damn slow to pass anyone, if I had a faster car I would have passed this tool on shady avenue. it’s not that I care if I get to work on time or not, but it’s annoying as hell driving soo slow and riding the brake for 10 miles. Do these retards replace their brakes every other week? /rant

i drive


I noticed this today too. Some old fart in a Buick was taking the off ramp of 65 but practicaly fucking stopped to make the merge. WTF!? It’s 2 lanes and the speed limit ws 65 and he just fuckin stopped to make the ramp. At least he was using his blinker… for 3 miles.

good thing you weren’t in the ford, you wouldn’t of been able to keep up. :blue:

x2, but my truck is faster than my altima. I raced my wife last week and won.

beat 360 in an even beater 77 ford truck>4 banger altima

I was behind some exceptionally slow old person today too. Is there a senior citizens early bird special somewhere today? Maybe Pewter has some inside info he can share.


i hate people that suck… you’ll have a ton of people flying down second ave on the way home from work and you’ll have some stupid fucking asshole that’s scared to pass a pat bus on a two lane road… so they just ride in the buses blind spot and fuck everyone.

what i hate even more is when people stop for a fucking bus to let people off… FYI these are grown ass people, not kids from school… we don’t need to STOP traffic to let people get off a bus that’s already on the berm of the road :madfawk: ahhh… i hate motherfuckers.


One day I encountered a guy merging onto the Parkway from Oakland… I could clearly see (two cars behind him) that there was NOT A SOUL in the far right lane (yes, the lane you have to merge into) and he WOULD NOT go… I would’ve pulled out anyways, but I was afraid that he would then decide that pulling out was a good idea after I went around his stupid ass.

i try to flip off at least 1 person per drive to work

merging into 60mph traffic from a dead stop is awsome …i HATE stupid fucks:rant:

my philosophy is if i’m on the onramp moving faster then the traffic on the highway then i don’t have to merge, i just have to keep from running overtop of someone.

i’ve passed a rampstopped may time

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

x2. It’s the only legal excuse for gunning it I can think of. It’s the funnest 15 seconds of my life everytime I do it! haha :rofl: :rofl:

0-60 in 15 sec. How do you handle that beast?


if old people are going what the sign says i could care less, i’m not gonna get mad at them cause i wanna be a dick and speed. Don’t forget those old people are someone’s grandma and if someone wrecked into my grandma cause they were in some big fuckin hurry i would cut their head off. But anyway i ganrentee my grandma would smoke helf the people on the board including me, my dad showed me film of her power shiftin his 69 GTX up atwood street with smoke blazing off the tires.


congrats, i’m glad your grandma has a fast car.

I wouldn’t be mad if people drove the speed limit either, but the people the rest of the thread were referring to were not driving the speed limit.

Ok i see the point i missed. Its just often times i see people get all pissed because someone is actaully driving the speed limit. People that try to weave on me get the door slammed like its lap 199 at daytona. Not much to care about gettin rammed into when ur rollin an 83 bonneville.