How do things like airplanes just disappear?

someone didn’t press the button in the hatch. Fucking Desmond.

Jack Lelane is still alive isn’t he?

what you fail to take into account…there is a lot more “Behind the scenes” engineering to almost everything. Without dragging into a huge long post…use your imagination for even the simplest of things.

Scenerio, add a Parachute.

1.) Obviously, you have the added weight of a parachute and need to mount it.
2.) Mounting point of parachute needs to be heavily reinforced to withstand forces or the cabin seperates from the rest of the plane
3.) Lets say the mounting point reinforcemnts interfere with valuable fuel cell capacity.
4.) Additional hardware/fittings/hydraulics needed to allow the cabin to seperate from the wings/cargo area
4.) fuel cell needs to be redesigned slightly or wings need to be lenthened to accomidate the loss of space
5.) As a result, larger engines may be required

In the end, you get a Boeing 777 with the cargo/passanger capacity of a 747, but now you have a parachute.

Also, your $200 ticket to vegas, now costs $700. The increase in fares discourages anybody from flying and the plane never leaves the ground. In this case, the parachute system works as the plane sits on a conveyor and will never take off.

Basically…the addition of something that seems very “simple” to a non-engineer actually triggers a domino effect of problems that trail behind.

lol. it doesn’t work like that.

for the record, i 100% agree that things like “location of a lost plane” can be rectified, but not so easily as most would think.

SEE: Faraday Cage

^ You keep going back to the parachute, stop. I understand from an engineering and aviation standpoint why it’s cost prohibitive. The EPIRB on the other hand, not so much, especially if you’re willing to toss out the need for it to work in anything but a water crash. I’m fine with that. Like I said, the big cloud of smoke going a couple miles into the sky is good enough for ground crashes.

So much for my idea to patent something and make some cashs of the country’s knee jerk reactions to any type of tragedy.

see: birdcage.

O certainly if you use a parachute there is a ton more weight… probably another 20,000lbs of weight, but other small safety equipment IE cold weather parka’s for everyone on the plane incase of landing in alaskan wilderness wouldn’t be much more weight…

but yea. with a flight from vegas to buffalo with 20,000lbs worth of necessary parachute shit. 10,000-15000lbs of fuel will have to be added to the air craft. which is about another 5000 dollars of fuel for a 100 passenger flight

edit: I still feel its not an engineering problem that the plane actually couldn’t fly… but more of a money factor carrying more weight…

Example. KC-135R = 130,000lb plane (boeing 707 airframe), its a refueling aircraft. filled to the brim with fuel it can hold 232,000lbs of fuel. There is no way you could fill up that cargo compartment or add on enough safety features to even equal 200K lbs. obviously the primary function of this air craft is to carry fuel its capacity would be greatly decreased. and the 232klb limiting factor is that it just doesn’t have more room in the tanks to carry the fuel.

I’m not sure why I’m being quoted… as i know already the skin/ribs and spars act as a faraday cage.

I was just backing you up.

And build ships out of concrete so there is never a puncture and spill!

that pic rules.

I don’t care how much faith I had in the science of that, I’d still need a change of underwear if I was that guy.

From someone who did aircraft electronics for many years… they are all designed to either functionally survive or not cause the aircraft to crash survive… even a direct hit to the aircraft will not damage the critical electronics enough to down the aircraft…

Now if they got hit in such a way where it caused the fuel system or structural system to have issues; that’s another story.

All aircraft have the Emergency Beacons… it’s just as someone said… they don’t work great 10000’ underwater… nothing really does.

They have a radar “spot” where it was last spotted; but going from 40K+ to 10K- in elevation can move you around a few hundred miles with the ocean current I’d imagine.

i totally thought nobody would get it.

pic is blocked at work…

You’re right, Michael Phelps wouldn’t have half the lung capacity to make that journey now that he smokes pot :mamoru:…

Im sure they used a small puppy to test it first :wink:

VERY similar to what you posted.