How do things like airplanes just disappear?

word. product of a childhood with a nerd father.

I have one other question while we’re on the topic. Why is the French military searching the coast of Senegal? That’s like saying a person was last seen in NY and starting your search in CA.

If Bush was still in office we’d be searching Iran for it right now. :bush:

Guys, over 200 people just died and hundreds more are going through the pain of simply not knowing what happened to their loved ones. Its not exactly funny.

Meh. I’m not going to get all somber every time something bad happens in the world.


YUP. Unless it is like 9/11 or something you can very closely identify yourself with. I just can’t ruin a couple minutes of my day over a tragedy that has no relation to me.

I’ll save the mourning for when I lose something that really means something to me. Until then I’ll laugh at the jokes cause they are funny.

I’m willing to be something similar happened.

they accidentally the entire airplane.

x2 was gonna say they flew into the bermuda triangle

Even if they knew where it went down within a square MILE… so what.
The chances of a commercial airliner being able to touch down in one piece are nearly zero.
Chances of anyone being recovered are very slim.

Once the fuselage breaks up the thing sinks like a rock.

Currents will make anything drift. Without transponders on each person you are not going to find or see shit.

A plane parachute is a pretty dumb idea.
A fuselage is not built to be able to survive the stress of being hung on a parachute… not to mention the massive deceleration forces involved.
You cant build it stronger because it would have to be thicker and heavier and carry less people and not be worth it.

Basically it comes down to this: The people are disposable.

You should make a facebook group!

alright negative nancy, we know exactly what happened here. if you cant make light of a situation, then you dont belong on the internet.

Parts and pieces found, oil slick too.

oh dip!

Just saying

^On the Ocean may be a bit rougher though.

no way dude, I swam across it twice this morning.

When a plane hits water its like slamming into concrete. They usualy dont survive too good.

Floating objects and seats were spotted in the Atlantic Ocean in the area where searchers are hunting a missing Air France jet, Brazilian aviation officials said today. The plane carrying 228 people vanished Monday. The debris was spotted about 500 miles from the island of Fernando de Noronha.

Courtesy of

at risk of pointing out the lesser flaw of this post.

“well”… don’t survive too well.