How do you drive most of the time?

1st gear take it to 4k…2-6th 3k…pretty calm, but corners are always fun…but occasionally open it up

I don’t follow any set plan… I’m all over the place from day to day.

If I manage to get less then 200 miles from a tank I know I’ve been hard and back off a little.

i pussy foot my camaro.


i pussy foot my camaro.



GTO- 9 times out of 10, I don’t bring the RPM’s above 2500-3000 and usually do the old 1st gear-3rd gear off the line.

however, I do have the occasional urge to dump it out of the hole, shifting at 6K :smiley:

if someone needs to shift past 4k for daily driving, get a new car

um, honda?

daily drive - 2004 Jeep grand cherokee
commute to school - my beat ass 5sp accord (drive like a grandma, because its an accord and, well not much else i can do)
when i take over the saudi arabian oil fields - the TA


Mustang: usually only drive it when im out having fun, so i usually get on it pretty hard, then feel guilty about beating on it, and go put it away


One should never feel guilty about beating on a fox-body…that’s what they were made for.

In my daily commuting, no matter what car I’m in I drive right along with traffic. This accounts for about 90% of my driving characteristics. The remaining times are more spirited, giving it some gas when given the opportunity of open road. The SHO never sees full throttle since it’s too slow and makes me hate the car even more. The Mustang I just love pounding the snot out of it:) In the 11 years of owning it it has only let me down once (popped the T5).


um, honda?



My 1.5 eg needed to shift that high to keep up with traffic.
at least that is what I told myself

lol, ya that EG had mad power

hondas are not cars they are toys


I drive like an asshole pretty much all of the time. But, with gas constantly going up, I find myself to be shifting early in an attempt to get to 5th as fast as possible.


At least you don’t have a little trip computer constantly reminding you how much you drive like an asshole with it’s glowing “12.5 mpg average” indicator. For one week I forced myself to drive conservatively and it got up to 18, all in town, almost entirely stop/go in 35 zones. But I was miserable. I’d rather pay more in gas and smile each time I drive my car. :slight_smile:

I shift right at 2k in my eg hatch and it never goes above that unless cruising/merging on the highway.

I have no idea what kind of milage im getting though because my gas tank leaks like jenna jamesons asshole and I probly leave more gas on the street than I use driving.

i get shitty enough gas mileage in the Z as it is, so i only really get on it when provoked, going under a bridge, or see hotties next to me :slight_smile:

usually keep rev’s under 2K (closer to 1k most the time) when taking off from a stop, take 1st to about 3500, then i dont take any other gear above 3K usually.

stopping i almost always heel/toe rev match going down through each gear to 2nd…but sometimes i get lazy there and just pop it into neutral and brake…

the car generates so much noise and attracts so much negative attention from any figure of authority that i’d get a ticket every few days if i really beat on it…let alone all the shit i’d break above and beyond the shit i break babying it already…

the civic on the other hand, doesn’t have a tach, so i have no idea where i’m shifting, but i make sure to go WOT all the time, and take each gear pretty far…otherwise i’d be holding traffic up big time lol… ya figure it had 60 to 70 BHP when brand new, now it’s burning oil more than gas, probably has no compression, and the stock ~40whp is probably now down to ~25WHP…slow…as…balls…

…and after going WOT all the time, i still average 36mpg :slight_smile:

The jeep in winter hardly see’s abouve 3K, unless it downshifts for a pass and even then its only maybe 4500K…

The vette in summer sees normal shifting around 4K, and hard shifting at 6500…alot

I usually keep it pretty low. About 2-2.5k… Rarely above 2.5k unless I’m pulling out on to a busy road, then I’ll get on it pretty hard.
I hate making people behind me brake, so I’ll get on the gas quite hard at times.
But I speed up like a grandma from lights/stop signs.


I usually keep it pretty low. About 2-2.5k… Rarely above 2.5k unless I’m pulling out on to a busy road, then I’ll get on it pretty hard.
I hate making people behind me brake, so I’ll get on the gas quite hard at times.
But I speed up like a grandma from lights/stop signs.


one of the few in the area. I get cut off from douche bags doing that so often it doesn’t even get me mad anymore…

i have a caravan, it only does slow and park.

i love my auto and i drive like a crazy girl.

I drive [like an 80 year old woman] as slow as an 80 year old woman most of the time (awareness and reaction time considerations made me change that statement). You’ll find me cruising along in the middle lane chilling out most of the time. I’m especially docile in adverse weather conditions due to most everyone else driving like their blindfolded and on crack. Although, once in a while I’ll get in a mood where I really don’t want to be passed by anyone.