How do you drive most of the time?

I usually wind out second enough that I can go straight to fifth in 35mph zones (all of my commute).

Any time I get out of a 35 I pretty much drive it like I stole it.


I’m almost always one of the slowest coming away from a light - most vans and trucks are out in front of me. Typically shift at 3K or lower. I do however almost always take turns hard, just because you can do that without breaking any laws :slight_smile:

Additionally I do heel/toe always (well actually roll my foot, because I have big feet and typically boots on). Just keeps me in the habit for autocross and what not, makes it much more instinctive. I also always double clutch 2nd and 3rd gear, again this is habit, my MR2 had a glass transmission and 2nd and 3rd would catch every once and a while. Just continued doing it, I don’t even think about it anymore.

I do need to start left foot braking more on a regular basis to make that more second nature, that still feels extremely strange when I do it racing.


I can attest to, and agree with, pretty much all of that. Minus the left foot braking thing…I’ve only tried it a few times.

i used to drive really fucking hard, all the time. I think i’m getting old.

My SHO sees more boost than it does vaccume. I late brake slowing down. Most starts are full throttle shifting at 6500-7500rpm (depends on the computers mood), and I don’t slow down for corners. Then I put it away because I can’t afford gas

In my saturn I shift between 3-4K unless i’m getting on a highway then i’m WOT to get up to speed but only because you have to do that to merge safely. my driving in that is pretty tame.


:tup: I neither know how to double clutch nor heel-toe shift properly.


tisk tisk, granny shifting and not double clutching like you should

i drive slow. i am usually going somewhere i dont want to be…
i dont understand why so many people are in such a hurry in the mornings.

when i had my n/a z, it was pretty much, drive like you stole it 24/7. Its no wonder that motor went bad on me.

When im in the civic, I drive pretty docile cause I know I am a direct police target. But every now and then you just gotta punch the pedal and feel her go. Also, I like to take turns hard.

Winter(in the snow) times in the xterra, I drive like a complete asshole. In neighborhoods, I do 4wdrifts on EVERY turn unless there are cars in/around the intersection.

I drive like an asshole pretty much all of the time. But, with gas constantly going up, I find myself to be shifting early in an attempt to get to 5th as fast as possible. Anyone know how to make the cruise control in a wrx work over 90mph?


I drive like an asshole pretty much all of the time. But, with gas constantly going up, I find myself to be shifting early in an attempt to get to 5th as fast as possible. Anyone know how to make the cruise control in a wrx work over 90mph?


it doesn’t work over 90? i honestly never tried, but it certainly does at 85!

Works right up to 88-89. I thought it was broken at first.


I drive like an asshole pretty much all of the time. But, with gas constantly going up, I find myself to be shifting early in an attempt to get to 5th as fast as possible. Anyone know how to make the cruise control in a wrx work over 90mph?


lol. I always see you traveling very quickly from North to South campus

Mustang: usually only drive it when im out having fun, so i usually get on it pretty hard, then feel guilty about beating on it, and go put it away

Exploder: drive it like an old lady just cuz its not a race car and i dont enjoy watching the gas needle move towards E. people say i go too fast around corners in it though :gotme:

Work truck (4 cyl Ford Ranger 5 speed): pretty much drive it like i stole it. not my car, not my gas, and everyone else drives them like its an F1 car, so I dont feel the least bit guilty when i beat up on it.

i drive a malibu… i drive it like a malibu… if it ever sees over 3-3500 rpms… it was beat on that day… i dont want to drop any money into it, so i try not to break her, shes been fairly good to me thus far :slight_smile:

ah, forgot about in snow. if noones around, i slide the back out pretty often. I seldom do if there are people around though.

haha i had my dads jeep on saturday and was sliding that everywhere on the way home from hockey. the first one, in the parking lot on the way out was a bit weird. not used to having rwd without a manual transmission

lucky you with rwd and 5 speed :frowning:

i got fwd 6 speed…

I usually shift at 2500-3000 rpm.

Really, any driving beyond that on public roads is a ricer move; form before function.

Miata - Rape time.

Legacy - Daily driving boring ness. Little donut here or there in snow

Usually at or near the speed limit, super laid back.


i drive a malibu… i drive it like a malibu… if it ever sees over 3-3500 rpms… it was beat on that day… i dont want to drop any money into it, so i try not to break her, shes been fairly good to me thus far :slight_smile:


lol my rental is an 08 malibu and it doesn’t like revving high. granted you have to floor it to take the rpms up since it’s an autotragic but it still doesn’t seem to enjoy it. I don’t pay attention to where it chooses to shift because I’m not in control of any of it.

I rev-match every shift up or down, and won’t usually enter boost unless I’m on a pretty open road (though it’s hard with full boost available at 2200rpm in 2nd). The BOV noise is startling to people and it happens even if I don’t try … even with the ‘low tone’ quieter insert it’s still way loud when there’s a big ass vent on the hood right above it. I get awful fuel mileage driving around town, averaging 24mpg usually. pre-turbo I was getting no less than 29mpg no matter how hard I drove it. I redline the car 10-20x a day just because it makes beautiful music at those RPMs. Most of the time though I shift right around 4k rpm… about where the torque peaks. I’m only hard on the throttle when I’m taking it to redline, otherwise I’m light on the throttle but let the rpms go up high.

On the highway I go 110 (km/h, metric speedo ftw) which is somewhere between 68 and 69mph, never ever enter boost, always have the cruise on, etc. My AFR sits at 14.8-15.4 and I get 36mpg (yes that’s 6mpg over stock but it took a whole lot of money in mods to get there). :slight_smile:

In the snow I drive the same speed that I do in the dry (about 5mph over the speed limit… downtown basically exactly the speed limit in most areas) when there aren’t slow people around. Blizzak WS-50s are ftw!

usually shift at 2500-3000, really laid back when driving and could care less