"How Do You Earn a Living" sticky

I may be mistaken but you’re an xray tech?

I fly jets, its a cool gig.




Oh and this is a single pilot jet, which means that I don’t fly with another pilot, one dude with a fast toy.

I’m a packaging engineer:


Creating a package for the JSF engine, some stuff for nasa, plenty of stuff for the DOD and various branches of the military.

c130 engine kit:

on wing engine preservation:


M16 anti-corrosion bags for (great for salt water environments)


Real interesting stuff since its so unusual. It definitely keeps me busy every day.

I’ve totally used the silver barrier material in the military, really bad ass stuff.

and Press tape!

anyone eat from a UGR-E?

I went to war in 2002, nothing was eaten that wasn’t a UGR. Great packaging, nasty fuckin food.

LOL. I had to open the food trays to rig with sensors for testing. I almost puked. (and I’m in the Guard too, so I’m used to MRE type food). The activator water packets where almost all made by my company and I designed the 2nd gen activator myself. 2nd gen won’t be out for a couple years though.

it all goes in and it all comes out, some quicker then others… in SERE school I ate things that make grown men cry…

Did you do SERE at P-51 at Bragg? Sweet sweet fish heads and rice, mmmmmmmmmmm.

Tell the truth, were you the smart monkey, or the dumb monkey? Be honest.

War babies were born to be beat.

I understand what you’re taling about. But No, I was in Maine, near Bangor. In the winter… :slight_smile: good times.

Maine, that sounds so much worse than NC.

it was bad, but now I know just how small of a box I fit in…

Its things like how long you can sit with your knees in your chest, how many days till you eat rotten food, how nice it was to at one time trust a fart, and what it feels like to be chased across fields that are important in todays job market.

I work at the Buffalo Sewer Authority,for those of you who dont know where it is its at the foot of west ferry st. I didnt even know that was it until I started working there. it sounds like a shitty job (lol) but its fucking great. I love it, lots of old people retiring soon so lots of room to move up. I am happy where a I am.

car sales lol
didnt plan on doing it, but i make 2x the money any of my friends are

I play records for drunk people…haha. Job is pretty cool but really competitive on the international level. Still fun, and I’ve travelled to some really fun places to play and have met some really cool/famous people along the way. But when you are your own boss, you certainly have to take it seriously. On the daily, I work on production work for artists that pay me to fit their music into a club atmosphere (I’ve done some pretty well established people since I’ve started producing officially this year, ended up with a track on a Kanye West mixtape), network, and work on my record pool which services a lot of the best DJs in the world exclusively. Locally the pay isn’t that great because the volume isn’t crazy, but I’m happy living in Buffalo for the moment since the living is cheap and I’m paying essentially pennies for a small studio to work on my music 24/7. Overall I’m blessed though, kind of a dream job to me.

Name: Don S.
Company: DSTAR Entertainment
E-mail: djdstarmusic@gmail.com
Site: www.djdstar.com

ps. no, I don’t do weddings unless you feel like you are my #1 fan and need me to make your night complete. ha

I do stuff

After Graduating for RIT with my BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology, I worked at a honda dealership detailing cars, Did that for about 9 months. I submitted resumes almost everyday on monster/career builder/etc.

Then I landed a job with Automotive Robotics Inc. in Peoria, IL. They contract for Caterpillar, so I work for Caterpillar basicly. I never see my boss from ARI and I report Directly to Caterpillar. I make Maps for Caterpillar 15 Liter Diesels, We trying to get a start on Teir 4 Final Emissions right now. I would have never guess these engines have so many maps controling every aspect on them.

I hope to land a direct hire after I prove myself as a Contract Performance Analyst.

Try-it Distributing
General Market Merchandiser

i’m the Beer guy.