"How Do You Earn a Living" sticky

I’ll get in on this. I’m a PTNF: Personal Transportation Needs Facilitator (just made that up)

Slinging cars out of Towne Auto in OP.


I tend to refer to my position as DAWG. Dumb ass window guy. LOL


I work at the Pepboys on Ridge Road
Currently a B tech, ASE certified in 2 areas.

annnd I’m still an oil change and tire bitch.


Waiting on a reply from the Feds on my Border Patrol Application.


Broker at FedEx. Eh, its okay while I’m back in school.

Male escort. Eh, it’s okay while I’m back in school.


It’s for a friend :snky:

5 dolla


up until May I was a Director for CARSTAR Automotive Canada on the executive team. i left there at the end of May to be a managing partner in what is now the largest Canadian owned and operated automotive hail damage repair company in Canada and we are quickly going to overtake some of the big boys and take the fight down south.

Senior Auditor as of today…

Hope youve all saved your receipts


Market for this was/is HUGGGEEE when I was down in Texas seems like almost every year family who lives in the south has a car taken out by hail

My title still the same but we are now a sub branch of DOD which in-turn is a sub branch of Homeland (I’m not sure why it changed :gotme:) I have aquired my CWI and CCPM cert’s. My upcoming project for the the next 5 years is the Tappen Zee Bridge. The state will be paying out 3.1 Billion for this job but I bet it will increase to 4 billion once the job is over. (NOTE: this bridge brings in about $600,000,000.00 per year in tolls +/-…Yes 600 Million)

That explains a lot

IKR :smiley: !!!

So thhhhaaattssss where all the state moneys gone…

this, still. 7 years later…

its a long road for sure man, i almost left for the acedemy and now am back in the hiring process

For people trying to find a career nore people should get into computer security consulting…

Travel around the world breaking into buildings and computer systems

Hourly billable rates are 300+

Most jobs include flexible work schedules

They pay you to do research

I can get behind that… I seriously kick myself daily for not even minoring in some sort of Information Systems field. The guy at my firm whos responsible for our AIS and Security consulting only has a basic MIS background and he bills out the ass… AND he only deals with our local clients. I can only imagine what we could do/will do nationally if/when we have a proficient consultant/team.

Doesn’t even have to be Security Related. I know people who will fly to companies, stay in hotels and train people how to set an out of office notification in outlook then collect their paycheck.

I forgot to add “dealing with state sponsored attacks” aka fucking with hackers from China