"How Do You Earn a Living" sticky



We could go tit for tat on bird law.




LOL @ Bird Law joke


Okay, well, we’re all hungry. We’re gonna get to our hotplates soon enough, alright?

Still a TQFM Certified Financial Services Manager and Co-Assistant to the Assistant Regional Night Manager. For now…

You seem to have a tenuous grasp on the English language, in general.

Cummins Power Generation dept supervisor for the western half of NY

Penetration manager?

penetration supervisor

Senior penetration technician.

yuuuuup… and you can quote me on this… the big boys are going to throw money at us to avoid taking the beating we’re going to lay onto them in the next 36 months.

Word on the street, his card simply lists him as “Balls Deep”.

So we work in the same field! Tomato Tamato

A little over a year later…
Still at Ingram in tech support. I enjoy what I do most of the time. I have seen others move up in the company and outside the company as well so that helps me stay motivated. Although looking at this thread makes me want to do bigger and better things as far as IT/future career development goes… something post-sales on an admin or analyst level seems ideal.

I work on the Enterprise Tactical group was an associate consultant on the Vulnerabilities and Exposures Team now im a consultant on the Attack and Penetration Team.

On track to become a senior consultant in 9 months or so :tspry:

just picked up a new pharma rep position