"How Do You Earn a Living" sticky

Was working at Lowe’s for the last 5 years…

I am now a Govt. Employee…

^You worked at Lowes?? Which one?

In Virginia



Yea, here in VA ive been the RTM Clerk

Now a Technical Project Manager of BCP (Business Continuity Planning) for all of Yahoo (products, platforms, work force, data centers, corp offices) since June.

Nice congrats :tup:

Congrats! Do you have an MBA at all or just move up through the ranks?

My GF is a licensed Pharmacist… Haha I hear these war stories everyday.


I’ve been with IM since July 2011 and an opportunity presented itself internally to relocate to Southern CA. They made it a no-brainer, and i’ll be moving out there August 5th!

For as much as people bitch about working here, they’ve been good to me so far.

^ You got a deal with that offer lol.

I’m jealous.

They offered me a job in Buffalo traveling 1-2 weeks a month to Cali to supervise a team… The pay sucked for that much travel. I guess getting to move there is a no brainer so long as your salary triples to cover cost of living.

I’ll be primarily internal, with little to no travel… and yeah, they totally made it a no brainer and are helping with the move as well :tup:

The only thing that is really different cost-of-living wise between SoCal and here is the housing, at least in San Diego. It’s a huge jump but food is about the same, gas is about the same, drink prices are about the same, taxes go from gay to still gay. Oh, and the broads are more expensive out there. Lotsa golddiggers.

I just looked at the first few pages I have had 6 jobs since this thread started :tup:

As years go on and your salary increases they begin to look at you as a liability rather than experienced asset. Beyond that you have to be there during economic turmoil to really feel the pain IMO. Been there, done that. It’s a great learning experience…get all you can out of them and bounce. Do what I say, not what I did. :wink:

Or, you keep growing and continue to be an asset. Being in a sales organization, good sales people will always be needed.

get out of here you negative nancy


Ingram historically whacks people who have been there for long periods and brings in new hires to slash payroll.

I worked with many generations of people who worked there.

I know sales people that are still there. I know marketing people that are still there. I fail to see anything negative nancy about suggesting to stick there as long as you’re learning/growing. If someone can make a career out of one company…more power to them. This is far from the norm these days, that’s not negative nancy it’s just reality.

---------- Post added at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------

Fucking negative nancy, get outta here!