"How Do You Earn a Living" sticky

Congrats, man! I’m hoping an opportunity like that presents itself at some point for me while I’m here, where in Souther Cali?

Currently with Verizon Wireless, been with them for about 18 months and just took a promotion in May

“business account executive” basically i maintain and grow b2b sales within 30 zip codes of central pennsylvania

Took a different teaching job outside of Rochester since mine was getting reduced and eventually cut altogether in Skaneateles. Shitty times in education, but I’m stoked to be living back home again.

I’m a Jeweler. Anyone planning on getting married?

I need some quarters cut, preferably into exactly the size of a dime.

No problem…


I know how you feel, my wife finally is starting her first “real” teaching job this year (after 3 masters, dual certs, etc.)

I’m sorry to hear about the job dude, been there done that.

I’ve had a few interviews but I’m not really expecting too much to come from them, it’s super tough right now.

Where in Roch are you teaching?

Ingram Micro, licensing. this place is meh…in my oponion it really depends on your manager, or cup size on how fast and far you move up , i have really been stuck in a rut the past 6 months and its not getting any better

<------See here. Seriously though, call me for an insurance quote, I could save you some money for more beer!

Licensing is the worst.

This is a sales company, if you want to be praised, get into sales.

I’m in Licensing. It’s the suck.

I can’t say anything nice about it.

But, Ingram IS a good company. I have no complaints as far as the organization. I just wish I was hired in something other than my licensing desk.

I like it the company a lot, I wouldn’t say it’s meh, but I’m also not in licensing. I would have to agree on the managers making or breaking your job though, and it also seems the only way to advance is either sales or post out into some department where there’s a lot of growth (what department would that be?).

Cloud and security stuff :slight_smile:

I’ll have to look into that come October

Does IM do part time? My wife needs a job.

I jut realized I never posted in this thread.

Joe Hrab
Engineer III
Praxair Inc.
Research and Development - Ceramic Membranes, Hydrogen and Energy
High Temperature Systems Group.

Started as a Technologist in '07, Promoted to Engineer II in '10, and promoted to Engineer III in '13
The last one came as a surprise even though I was about to pester the boss.
Need to pass the PMP, whip up a research paper, and then leverage myself to increase the synergy within my group as to move forward with another promotion.
Although, for an average Joe, 2 promotions in 5 years here is not bad.

Upper management written all over this guy.

Lol this…

I hear even a lot of MD is on commission now?

I do Air conditioning service for residential, commercial and automotive :slight_smile:

Keeping people cool while I sweat! Also side work.

Manufacturing Supervisor @ General Motors Tonawanda Engine Plant, Started almost 3 years ago as Maintenance Supv, then Process Engineering, currently Manufacturing. Couldn’t be happier, best place to work in Buffalo, I hope I retire from GM and I never take this job for granted.