"How Do You Earn a Living" sticky

I sell ambulances and manage that division of the company throughout Western and Central NY. If you’re good, it’s rewarding, but it’s extremely competitive. Sales is a roller coaster, that’s for sure. It’s a low volume, long cycle gig, and a constant grind.

Knew someone had to do this. You never see an Ambulance dealership.

What’s his name? We also do fire trucks, but I’m more involved with the ambulances.

yep. i think its an 80/20 split now. heading towards 70/30. I think its fantastic, weeds out a lot of the shitty people.

ah to be so young and misguided… got those projects built…they are definitely a bigger pain in the ass near or after completion than during any other phase of the project.

within a year of this original posting pretty much everything in the A/E/C world went into the shitter. the UAE work went away over night, the leadership in that office tried to scuttle the home office and open a new independent office on their own with disastrous legal results for them , the company basically shed 2/3 or its staff over the next couple of years before getting bought out by a big canadian engineering firm in 2010. things progressively got worse from that point and i went part time in 2011 to help my wife with her business, then totally left 6 months later to do full time with my wife and work on our real estate investments.

i miss architecture, but i don’t miss the headaches. working for yourself is by far the most rewarding employment experience.

I’m almost certain there are no part time positions open at IM. I’ve been here almost two years and enjoy coming into work almost every day. I’ve grown individually a lot and have a path to move up. I’ve seen both sides of what has been talked about in this thread but since I’ve been there the company as a whole has been a solid place to work. There will always be people that complain about the little things and the pay etc. But if you’re motivated and have some ambition you can move around or up either internally with the company or externally.

I’m reserving this space for my announcement in two weeks…

I still do hvac, but might be starting my own buisness soon, in hvac.

They’re finally letting you on stage at Peppermints?


In for this.

Peppermints, that is.

I can technically say it now, I wanted to have Ingram set before saying anything on the internetz.

I accepted a position as a high school Technology Teacher at a charter school in Kenmore/Buffalo.

Back to being Mr. Derrick!!

congrats man, Im on my way out as well…

May I ask why both of you are on your way out of Ingram? Or should say why you were actively looking to leave Ingram?

I’m a teacher, I had no business (no pun intended) being in business.

Education is my career field, Ingram met my needs financially (barely) but not career-wise.

      • Updated - - -

That being said, Ingram is a good place for a lot of people and it’s a good career for many.

good to hear!^

Yes, ingram is a great place to get your feet wet, it met my needs after college when working in a pizzeria didnt cut it (despite me making better money in said pizzeria) but it is health insurance, a steady pay check and if my plan of border patrol/law enforcement falls through it was a way of getting my foot in the door on something instead of sticking it out in a pizzeia waiting on my dream job if it fell through. Some great people work here and i have made some awesome friends. I work in licensing so my view of ingram may be tainted on how great of a place it is since we kind of get the short end of the stick when it comes to the true perks of working here. Sales is where its at here. i know people who havent paid for lunch, bills tickets, or gas becuase of all the gift cards they get for over a year now. This place is always changing and if you can deal with that it is a great place to grow, gain some expirience and put a good buck in your pocket. If you can work through the drama and BS and stay here for 5 or 10 years you can ususally get a job with a vendor and that is when you start making the big bucks.

if your looking to get in to something after college and not sure what you want to do this place over geico all day long .


They need to reconsider licensing as an entry level department. We do too much business and deal with too much BS to not have any of the perks of the rest of the company (I walk past the atrium where people are literally racing RC cars or having some sort of contest with free stuff, and I get to go back to my desk to more and more emails…)

Congrats Mr. Derrick!!!

Seems like I’m in a better position than Licensing, but it still sucks not getting all of the perks of sales. Perhaps I’ll have to make the jump to sales after my year is up, if I can.