How does it work if I want off campus housing

$11,000 for room and board is insane.

Can I take out a student loan to pay for the room off campus? Do they even care?


yes you can, no they dont.

you sure can. :wink:

I sure can!!! Who wants to make a road trip to Ithaca tomorrow or thursday? heheheheehe look at rooms for ME

Wow that’s a lotta money for a room/board in Ithaca.


Will this screw with my financial aid?

they will give you a loan for pretty much anything, course ya gotta pay all that back one day :slight_smile:

Somehow I’ll pay it all back.

Oh and I know how. :wink:

told joo

I’m going to call tomorrow and then drive down on thursday to check out places.

They apparently don’t have any parking permits left. So I would have to call my parents to come pick me up. And my car would be sitting home doing nothing.

This is becoming one big huge mess. If UB actually had a physics class open I would consider staying here. Oh well. I just feel as though everytime I call up Cornell that I’m calling the white house. Yeah, they are really that proud of themselves…

40 minute walk MY FUCKING ASS

it appears I’ve waited too long.

This is perfect!

I can be Mr. Mom!