How easy is it/Restraining order?????

You shouldn’t have left him like that.

well give us his email/phone and we’ll repay the favor

ill do it up on OT and he’ll get raped by 11tybillion dudes


Traci, you want 412-323-7800, the main 5.0 phone number. they’re on Western Ave. I went to AIP for 4.5 years - do you live on Northside, Southside, Dormont, Mt. washington, etc? I can get the local branches # to, especially if it’s the holding cells or downtown court buildings.

send a pm if you want. good luck with this bastard.


LOL! Yeah its ALWAYS the chicks fault…

Sorry about your problem, id love to see how irish mafia he is with half the barf and ny speed at his door.

celitified had a similar problem. girl calls hangs up makes up storys drives by his house 6 times a day.she even trolled ubrf to find out where we would meet. he would know best on this situation so i would pm him.

i went through a similar situation with my ex girlfriend. Always accused me of cheating on her and when i wasnt home she would go on my accounts of the barf and wnydsm to see where i would be going to try and start some shit with me. All in all I ended up breaking up with her and then the texts and phone calls and stopping by my work started and she wouldnt stop. The calls were at all hours of the day and like you said vroom, she texted me all the time that my battery died in like a day. Finally i had enough and went to the police station, filed a report, had to go down a couple days later to talk to the DA about it, and then go to court for the restraining order. Its an easy thing to get accomplished just a pain in the butt and time consuming when you first file the report, and then wait for the DA, and then going to court. After you talk to the DA he will get an order to appear in court and on what charges, just make sure you keep alot of the stuff he has sent to you or done to you. Good thing is though if he doesnt show up, you automatically get the restraining order without having to go through the court hassle. Goodluck on this.

I… told… you…


Where does he live? I’m going to Pitts soon anyway :smiley:

Dormont Po-leeeeese pleeeeaase.

3 viocemails this morning from random girls telling me how crazy dude is and that I should know my phone number is all over the internet.


(412) 561.8900 x300

After searching for the psychos profile on MySpace to see if there was anything new about me…

Invalid Friend ID.
This user has either cancelled their membership, or their acccount has been deleted.

Ahahahahahahahaah! If only you all understood how fucking obsessed this guy is with his MySpace…omg!!!111!! And he’s 34…obsessed with Myspace…and they deleted his account muhahahahahaha!!! Not liek he cant set up a new one, I know this… but at least my number isn’t being broadcasted to the world anymore.

And I so want to post his number…you dont even know… two can play these fucked up games…BUT he is weird…and he’s already emailed all my guy friends from school on my MySpace friends list freaking out on them and online stalking them…and I dont wanna have to get anybody else involved in this mess…

OMG T-dogg :

soo… why were you dating a 34 yr old guy?

Yeah seriously take care of this now. Don’t let it continue. Save/Print out AIM stuff, save text messages, make a log of fun convos;date and time, things that were said etc. Go to whatever police station that covers where you live, and explain this to them. They will more than likely help you out, as society/police officers do not like girls being harrassed.

It should be a fairly easy process. Depending on the department they may even deliver the order of protection to the party in question, without any of this having to go through a court process.

Just don’t sit on this, if it is a problem. Get it taken care of and get it stopped :tup:

Good Luck to you

Didnt know he was 34 the night I reluctantly gave him my # at a bar…then we hung out a little bit…i told him after 4 days of knowing him and him saying he loved me…that I wasn’t looking for a relationship and he needed to chill the fuck out…and well now we have this.

damn, this guy is out there. get that restraining order done asap. and come back to the 20s guys atleast lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Restraining orders are just another way of saying i love you…:slight_smile:

j/p…but that really does suck…that guy sounds like a giant tool…hopefully everything works out

the restraining order says no, but her eyes say YESYES


Ok…so I still haven’t gone to the police.

I didn’t hear anything from him for 2-3 days there…then Friday around 3am the calls started. One right after another. This time about how he was gunna slit my throat and gut me like a fish…Irish Mafia…blah blah…

I kept ignoring it. Like I have been.

Saturday, I’m at Ozzfest. He’s at ozzfest. We never ran into eachother but he was calling allllllll day and sending text after text. Half way through the day, slightly intoxicated I answered the phone. “If you’re going to yell and scream and threaten me Johnny well come on then. Get it over with because we’re both trying to enjoy our day so yell, stop, and continue tomarrow if that’s what makes you happy Johnny.”
So he sat there and talked to me like a somewhat civilized human being…well he was freaking out…I just kept saying " Dude I don’t know what to tell you. If you’re going to threaten me and annoy me because I won’t love you, then so be it but there’s nothing that can ever change any of that now."

So the nutcase then started acting like we were best friends forever inviting me backstage. :roll2:

Well that was it for the past couple days. All has been quiet…so far. Aside from the occasional text from him or email saying how sorry he is or telling me useless fucking facts about his day. I don’t respond.

Today, after 2+ weeks of this craziness…I finally told my mom what’s been going on. She was worried but seemed calm and rational. She called me back and told me she talked to a cop friend of hers and he said NOT to file a restraining order because all that will do is push this guy over the edge. He said to just keep ignoring him and continue to document and log everything and later on if this is still going on, THEN don’t do a POF or HOF but file charges against him.
My school councelor said to go to the cops and get a POF. But that I should still be scared and it might not do any good.
Another guy says I cant even get a POF unless dude has physically harmed me…and if I get one it wont do any good untill Im lying dead in the street. (cop friend said similar thing)
Another guy says fuck the cops, go straight to a lawyer.\

So back to my mom… she asked me earlier for his name and phone number… JUST IN CASE anything DID happen she would know who this guy is. She promised to not do anything " That would be silly for me to call him" she said…it was just in case.
She’s a drunk. It’s her new thing. She called johnny. Got his voicemail and supposidly said only “oh. sorry I missed you i was hoping we could chat.”
he immediately text messaged me " Oh so now your having people from Buffalo call me???!!"
i called my drunken mother freaking out. She just opened up a whole new can of worms. I’m pissed. i begged her not to do this to me. She got mad i got mad.
i was going to go to the police station today…since all was quiet and calm…just to see what my options are…cuz i’m so fucking confused…I haven’t gone yet cuz I’m scared guys. i just dont know what to do anymore.

So as i sit and write this He’s texting me:

Talk to me baby…

ure a true nutjob! having ur mommy call me i would never hurt you. tought we established that last week.apparently i wasnt the first to threaten u before. I also thought I was just being a friend texting u lately. I dont want you even if u paid me. Do u see ur pattern?My only crime was that i cared.

So he went from wanting to gut me like a fish and beat me down boston irish mafia style…to this…and Im so motherfucking confused as to how to go about anything. I have absolutely no control and I hate it. Someone fucking be my voice of reasoning PLEASE

wow, so lemme get this straight…

you play yourself out to some 40+ year old dude

then he stalks you

then you tell him if he stalks you wont love him?

how about you just say “die in a fire”

if your sentance doesnt start with “so i called the cops”

i dont wanna hear it
