Order of protection / restraining

Its a sad day, maybe the saddest of my life, but I need to investigate obtaining an order of protection, or restraining order against someone, specifically a family member. I don’t know if anyone has any experience / input in this matter. Not sure if I need an attorney or just march into my local police station to get this started. For those family members of mine on here, your discretion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Best bet would be to call your local police station and ask them the proper protocol.

I’m honored, and at the same time disturbed, you would consider me family. We’ve shared some drinks, not internal organs.

You cant get an order of protection because I wont give you a kidney!

They’ve proven worthless to a few people I know. When a person is on the verge of going apeshit they don’t give a fuck about that piece of paper. If the person is semi-sane it may prove worthwhile. If for documentation purposes…may be worth looking into depending on how bad you’re thinking it’ll get.

Need me to take someone out? I kid. Good luck to you, sucks to see this around the holidays. I know you’re going through some rough times right now too, seems like this is related, but on top of everything else, not needed. Hope it all works out for you. :tup:

I am going to have to automatically side with the other person because I know you LOL

It seems like everything I have read refers to family court to get things started, a temporary order will be given then an appearance by both parties in court will occur and if there is not any resolution an trial will be set.

Read more here http://www.lawny.org/index.php/family-self-help-140/other-family-law-self-help-75/76-orders-of-protection-fact-sheet

Edit: I would say at this immediate point, that if anything happens at all to just call the cops and keep a level head, let them deal with it.

Thanks Bobby. No offense but I think she’d mop the floor with you…but I’ll keep your offer handy. Sadly I don’t know just how far things may go. I’ve already been promised being charged with some form of theft or larceny so that makes it hard to predict possible scenarios. I don’t necessarily think “apeshit” level, but you see stories out there. God, I love the holidays.

By the sounds of him needing an Order of Protection, it’s safe to assume that they aren’t very sane lol.

He said it was family, I didn’t want to say much about insanity levels. It’s usually a given when you’re to the point of asking police for protection though. LOL. Though there is crazy and there is CRAAAAAZZZYYYY!

I’m certainly being level headed. I’ve had to go on the defensive now to try and anticipate everything up to the worst case scenario, which is protecting my eight year old. I don’t want to think that way but I don’t want to be the next news story standing there saying “I just never thought they were capable of doing something like this”.


I’ve read the family court family offense petition and it looks like there’s a section to select a type or nature of the offense. Since one hasn’t really been committed yet I wonder if it’s a situation where something has to happen before a court would start anything.

I’ve started the process before. Walk into a trooper station and explain the situation. They will take notes, if you have any evidence to support your cause bring it with you. It’s my understanding they then submit it to the court.

Police stations do this for you and take the info to the judge for the order of protection. You don’t need a lawyer. Just really sit hard and think about it. Once you have it, its a process to remove. Also, everything you say is taken into account so you can’t really be like, “actually no I didn’t mean that” after you go through this.

You will lose days of work and will be required to build a web of evidence. Unless the threat is REAL serious it’s gonna be a headache and quite possibly make things worse. I sent you a quick PM. Also, prepare to be frustrated as they turn the interrogation around on you. They have to get both sides of the story and their line of questioning will make your blood boil more than likely. I imagine many true victims drop out of the process once the questions are turned around and the victim is made to feel like the bad guy.

In my experience, I had to press charges for something before the police would issue an order of protection. After telling them the story they said there was more than enough grounds to press harassment charges followed immediate by order of protection. The story behind this is pretty outrageous, I call it my “trump story”…when someone else tries telling a story about how insane an ex girlfriend was, I win with this story. A few board members have heard it, 2 or 3 saw it first hand.

Women are gifted with a minimum level of insanity. The special ones know how to cultivate it properly.

I have always said that there is no such thing as a woman who is not crazy, just differing levels of power to control it.