Order of protection / restraining

Ya. Every chick is nuts. Gotta find the one with a level you can tolerate.

They are ALL nuts.

Key word here is ‘special.’

Good luck to you man. I know we’ve never met, but I just hate hearing about these things, especially around the holidays.

I always say, it’s not necessarily about finding a crazy level you can tolerate, but rather finding the right kind of crazy for you!

Just to clarify in case any of you are painting the wrong picture in your head, this is my mother and not a wife / GF. And a joyous holiday season to all!

ouch… rough that things have gotten where they have. best of luck in the situation. try to still have a good holiday!

Sry to hear, my mom is super crazy too

Ummmm… brother? Sniff, tear. Is it really you? OMG !!

I have never filed one but was a witness on behalf of the women filing against a man. The police basically said they needed cold hard evidence and proof of what he did wrong. Well he actually never did anything physically wrong yet but was clearly headed that way as indicated by his txt messages and previous record.

Officers told her that those are only threats and are not enough for an order. I asked if the order was for punishment or preventative measures. The whole reason was to prevent something bad from happening. Not oh well now he did something and now we can file the report. It’s so retarded because it would be to late. The police understood exactly the point I made but legally could not do anything.

Legal system and “it’s just the way it is” is such bullshit. “We hear ya man and you’re right but there’s nothing we can do” is the worst thing you can hear by an elected officer like an officer or judge.

I kind of understand this in that the police cant necessarily predict, or act, on what someone might do. Hopefully the first incident isn’t so severe that it negates the possibility of need for an order of protection. I guess if it were that easy, 90 % of the population would have at least one order on them. We’ll have to see where this goes and iv the actually files charges on me after the weekend.

I obviously am not a lawyer but I think filing the process even if there is no evidence to obtain one from a judge keeps the record open for the police to add to if there is future incidents to eventually keep the trail to obtain one.

Get a police report, then go to the domestic violence section of the courthouse and fill out the paperwork, they’ll help you.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.

DISCLAIMER - I am not a lawyer, I just play one in real life.

Andy, whatever is going on, I’m really sorry to hear, and I hope it resolves soon…

Thanks. Sadly with my son in the middle it may never fully resolve itself. I did install a security camera system this weekend though.


I don’t think I can handle that.