How fast on a motorcycle?

ask the curb and my shoulder…(this is for willy)

i should convince pelow’s brother to clock me this summer on teh highway…


top speed isn’t really that raw though. anything past 130 feels the same to me. and I definitely think it’s stupid on the street that’s for darn sure

maybe 75 or 80 :gotme:

I did 110 down a side street in south buffalo, Not cool but I was 15 at the time. That is why I wont buy a bike.

yea 174 is pretty lame

coldaccord is right, 130+ and its all pretty much the same

speedo read 188, 02 r1

186 indicated on my dad’s stock cbr1100xx

89 MPH

maybe 105…


186 on my 02 GSXR 750- speedo indicated
186 on my 07 R1- speedo indicated

went 175ish a couple times on my 04 r1, speedo corrected, pretty much right at redline, but not hitting the limiter. Geared -1,+2, but also a 190/60 rear which takes away a little of that gearing.

Streamlined helmet FTW at those speeds, really helps the vibration, and even tucking the helmet would squish my nose. Way to fast.

fucking :picard:

even more :picard:

WOW I missed that…

140s… wasn’t paying attention to the speedo, just holding on…

181 on my old 04 r1.


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if you dump it at 180+, do you turn into a liquid?