How many of you think you are a healthy eater?


enough pRotassium in one serving to balance a sodium overload, all from one simple capsule

i just scrap up my skin with sandpaper and roll around in salt. the doc said all that sodium is good for me

If you consider Taco Bell, Burger King, McDonalds, beer, Arizona Half&Half, fried chicken, potatoes, a few servings of vegetables, a bowl of cereal every morning, candy, donuts, ice cream, and some other crap in the span of a week healthy, then I must be.

Someone tell me why I am 6’3" and weigh 175lbs?

Weight loss/gain is calories in vs. calories used. It’s really that simple.

I agree only if you have a daily regiment of workout; Good motablism helps but only to a point. The thing is you don’t have to look like Peter Griffin to be not in good health.

I know some people (not old people) on poor diet who have heart and blood pressure problems due to cholesterol and none of them I would call over weight.

Im probably going to die soon then.
Other than mountain biking/hiking in the summer, I dont do shit.

yea, same here lol

I eat better now than before, but I still would say im healthy. smoke cigars and drink too much, dont get enough sleep and i usually feel like im border line dehydrated. and i dont exercise

we need to have shift flag football on the weekends this summer or something… so half the forum doesnt die

Well thats an easy one…you have a tape worm lol

Or aidz…oh, wait…

I eat alot, and am currently in good health. WIN.

I eat a lot and look like Chris Farley.

u eat like a bird.

ive been dealing with a chronic kidney problem for a LONG time now. ive been reading about it a lot, ive talked to several dieticians as well as 6 nephologists, surgeons as well as THE top guy in the field in the USA. My doctor is litereally the number one authority in the field.

As my disease progressed in the earlier stages, I was on the lookout for more info and as it got worse I had to take a MUCH more active role in managing my diet and health. The labels you see on packages are kind of generic and middle ground, but it doesnt mean theyre wrong. It obviously varies person to person. The sodium intake for a smaller person like a 5 foot 90 pound girl will be different from a 6.5 foot tall 300 pound guy.

Your organism is really about balance and its gotta be maintained, so theres buffers built in, but they can only do so much. If you want, I can explain in person, but it might take a while, theres really a lot of things to cover, but in general you dont want your sodium intake to be high. An occasional ramen cup is ok, but youre going to be doing long term damage by eating it all the time, as an example.

There’s some foods that contain a lot of sodium, potassium and phophorus, such as processed or microwavable or ready to eat foods. You want to avoid them as much as you can. Things like heart problems, muscle spasms, hypertension, hyperkalemia, hyperglycemia and such occur when you dont watch what you eat. You could end up with kidney failure, which is no picnic, let me tell you that one first hand(10+ years of personal experience speaking here and still going). Ingesting too much sodium can actually aggravate underlying conditions you had, but ones that never surfaced. I dont mean to say that you have to go full vegan, but just choosing what youre eating is very important in the long run. The better you treat your organism now, the better it’s going to stay later down the road.

The worst part about all that is, the extra junk in the food makes it taste great, which is sad. Healthier food tends to be more bland and boring. Dont stop eating any amount of sodium, potassium or phosphorus completely, you do need some in your system for things like muscles and heart and intestines and stomach and nerves to function properly, but just be careful about how much youre ingesting daily. Main thing is be smart about it. Do some reading and research, talk to a dietician or people who know about it, ask your doctor.

NO idea how i put the R in there :lol:lol good eye

fuck, ¶'s please

changed it. sorry. its always been my writing problem.

I know a good half dozen people who can eat like pigs and not gain a pound.

All tall and skinny.


Thanks for spacing it too

My cousin is that exact way! 6’2" 175lb, eats 3x what I do and sits around playing CoD all day. He doesnt have any visable fat at all, even has a six pack.