How many old school cats still around

when my cousin was in poorboyz he had a White convertible 2 dr BMW lowered on 20’s with tv’s and shit…that was like 5 years ago tho

ha that beamer sounds mad pimp :lol its to bad i just started hangin out with all of you last june in my old integra

Of course i know Jones. He moved to the carolinas though…too bad.He was much later though…

im 25, 26 come july… i realize you are older (and wiser) than me, but seeing what the upstate car scene has gone through over the past 8-9 years is rediculous.

I was really good friend with Jeremy back in the day, we are still friends but don’t hang out much these days. We had a winter ritual, he had an AWD Galant and we would go drifting on back roads for hours, bowl a game or two, eat a crap ton of sushi and then do it again - the good old days.

Your not Kevin’s cousin are you? He had a 318 convertible with big chrome wheels, but that was more like 8 years ago.

Yeah me and my dad were good friends with the Jones family…his father was a crazy good machinist

I’ve only been in the scene since like 02 when I started rolling with…wait for it…RONIN!

Ahhhh the memorys …i remember going to a poorboy party or two back like 5 or 6 years ago …bought my own beer too lol … those where the days whe u could be proud to be in a car club …nowadays …you say your in a car club and people laugh a you

Cole with the S4 started that club didn’t he? I remember that club.

In 1999 through 2003 I was in Lower Class if anyone remembers that club.

Cole was in Ronin with me, but Ronin was started by John O’Donnell (white Integra), Jay (red-dish Neon), and Eddie Kershaw (Purple Mazda, Blue ZX3)

yea i remember LC rizzo and sean smith aka scuba were in LC right ?

Steve, remember corrupted minds???

hahha umm i think i doo lol

that whole shit was started by dustin riddell and andy stapleton…how bout welfare racing? :crackup

Yea Rizzo, Scuba, Matt & Ben Else, myself, Ryan Bakerian was in it for a short time.

CM was started by just dustin not andy :angry2

yea …there wast a day that went by that didnt see Rizzo’s lancer

i’ve been in the scene since 2000, now i’m an old married man driving stock,automatic cars

Spice up your life and get a corvette