How many people have you slept with?

19 years old…15, freshman in college
thats with a 2.5 year h/s relationship under the belt too

you’re a virgin. stfu.

Trick question…all girls do it. Except me because I know I dont want to admit how many Ive slept w/ so I know the guy Im about to sleep with doesnt want to hear how many even if its one.

better to know now then when your married w/ children…the truth hurts but shit happens no one is perfect!!! Besides do you honestly think the girls gonna believe you if you say your a virgin? :jerkit:

for about 70% of the guys on this board, it wouldnt be a lie.

^^^^^^^speaks from experience^^^^^^^^^

negative ghostrider.

:bowrofl: :owned: to teh 10 power

you suck at determining ownage.

Wow, I missed this thread. What answer did you give her?

I have always said not enough.

wow talking about bringing a thread back from the dead shaggy

Three, oh, it’s the magic number. Yeah it is.

Just watch Clerks. That’ll give you all you need to know about this question.

tell the truth as long as your not a whore???

wow this is old but you should respond with the question, why? are you writing a book? hopefully your smart ass question will result in a smart ass yes, then you can tell her to make it a love chapter and kiss your ass

this is 94integra’s girlfriend…just tell her how many, obviously if she’s going to decide if she wants to be with you or not based on your past she’s not worth a minute of your time. The past is the past if she can’t let it go, let her go :slight_smile: Hopefully if you’ve been with a lot of chicks you didn’t pick anything up :-X

You never go ass to mouth

no shit!
