How many times do you fill up your tank a week? How much $$

I’m in sales and usually drive a ton of miles each week. I put gas in when the light comes on and always end up putting in 10 gallons in my Corolla and usually fill it 1 to 1.5 times a week, getting around 30mpg.

So that comes out to $27-$40.50 a week.

I want to see how bad/good I have it.

Ill just not reply to this before I make people cry.

16.4 gallons, every 6-7 days, 87 octane.


Luckily I only fill it up about once a week, but that costs me $42.50 yesterday and I only get about 17 mpg

once a week i have to pump 10 gallons of 93 in to the civic

70 mile RT commute + extras @ 2.79/g / 23MPG

you figure it out.

^ Ugh, damn that sucks

My boss just mentioned that he’s putting $60 a tank about 1.5 times a week in his Grand Cherokee.

$60 a tank? wtf is he running 93?

$60 / 18 = 3.33 a gallon.

$50 a tank on 93 … 10-12 mpg driving 46 miles round trip to work 5 days a week - fill up twice

It’s a 20.5 gallon tank, so it’s right around $60ish. My co-worker also drives one and he put $57 in it on Monday.

i gotta run 93 in my GS

15 gal tank, i usually fill it 1.5 times a week

sucks ass!!!

even at res prices

plus i work only 2 miles from home, so my mileage also sucks

Wow that Corolla must be good on gas. When I was in sales I would fill up 2 to 3 times a week to the tune of $20-$27 each time.

Now I spend about $27 every 1.5 weeks or so.

This summer. Maybe once a week $30. Last summer when I worked in the city 2-3 times a week. $50-$80 I don’t miss that. :slight_smile:

I filled up the other day, gas was low ($2.69 maybe) and it was $37, not even a full tank. I usually fill up 2 times a week.

When I was driving a truck it was even worse, $60/tank isn’t that unheard of with some of the bigger trucks.

Oh well. Pay2Doanything.

Hmm, I fill up about once every 10 days unless I deviate from normal commuting. About $8.00 for 4.5 gallons, ~35-40 mpg. I even started playing around with 91, and the engine doesn’t seem to mind.

1/2…I can go two weeks before I need to fill up.

When filling my brothers truck they stop the pumps at $50 and some at $70. I overheard him talking, he spent $770 on gas last month.

25 bux or so once a week… 66 miles round trip 6 days a week. I get about 40mpg.

I go thru 2-3 tanks at 45-48 dollars a tank depending on where I am. Its sweet :slight_smile:

$249.58 since 8/19/05 (week and a half) and I’m about due for a fill up.
