How much do you spend on gas a week? And what octane do you use?

I spend $30-35 a week using 93. and thats only mainly driving to and from work

$37/wk-- 93oct – drive 5 miles to school twice a day, and to buffalo and back(from rochester) then a good 100 miles on the weekend of toolin around… equates to exactly a tank a week :slight_smile:

$35 a week for 93

EDIT: Its more like every 1 1/2 weeks that I have to fill up.

in the jetta i would go through about two full tanks a week = 54 bux in 93 octane

the taurass would equate to about the same, around 50 a week in the winter on 87 octane

the ninja would go about a week on a full tank of 93 octane, including the weekly sunday cruising all over. i was getting about 42mpg with it

40 beans every 10 days on 93

Fill up every 2-3 days soo about $60-90 a week :banghead:

$25-$35 a week in the Neon at about 28mpg mixed driving with 87 octane.

The Talon will probably about $20 a week with 93, depending on how much I drive.

around $50-60 for 87 in the cavi.

About $70 a week, fill up every three days as well.

$40.00 93 octane.

87 , 20-25$ / week during college and work commute and that is for around 300 miles

i put $20 in no matter what octane i use. i dont care if i fill up as long as i have gas to get from point a to point b. and thats once a week i ususally get gas

Used to spend ~40/week when I lived in West Nukka and worked in Amherst. Then my company moved to NT and I moved to TOT so now I only spend ~25/week. Unless I go home to Crapchester or down to Beerdonia or something.

VR6 = 93 Octane

my beater is eating gas. im spending about $50-60 a week just to be going back and forth to UB from west seneca everyday. its bull, especially these prices raising like hell for no reason

$20-$25 a week for the rsx, 93 oct.
get 22-25 mpg.

about $60-70 bucks a week on 87 octane

damn…i feel like i am putting gas in my tank every 3 days…probably 40-50. My commute to work blows … and always use 93

$40 93 Oct

about $50 a week
