How much are you getting back this year?

it’s a kick to the balls when you are told you owe NYS $8. That happened to me one year. Last year I owed NYS a little over $200… for whatever reason that seemed easier.

How do you find your W2 online? I can’t seem to find it.

WOW…have ur employer take like 5 bux more a week out

I think if you make less than 10k you get it all back… I think…


I ALWAYS end up paying every single year…

This year I should be getting around 1k back. Next year is going to suck though, ill def be paying alot.

I dont have my w2, but i checked with my last check and i owe $929…
NOt to shabby…last year i owed about the same amount…

wife should be getting back like $3500 fed. and $900 state…
Then we split it…:smiley:

I better get something- federal has about 5k and state has about 2k of my money. I usually get around 1k from federal and usually owe state a few $

my w2 says i made a little over 8k this year… but i probably made over 30k lol. not paying taxes rocks.

can someone confirm this? i just moved out of my parents house, and have no dependents… that would be bitchin.


My pay is bonus orientated. And when I recieve a bonus, I only see 58% of it upfront.

This is why I have so much withheld against me.

And Fetter, Your employer needs to be enrolled in the program thru ADP. You’ll need specific codes from your payroll, given your company participates.

does it say right on the w2 what your getting back? how do u calc it… ? i am only me… i have no dependents…i live by myself in my own house, and i donate shit all the time… hmmmmm


just finished my taxes i am gettinf 1911 back


without filing… just lookin at the w2… which numbers identify what u get back? i am only claiming myself… i own my home, and thats about it…

You have to file to know what you are getting… ou can’t tell on your W2 just by looking at it.

652 back from federal, haven’t done my state on yet.

how’d u pull that one off?

got an app tomarrow, ill let u guys know