How much do u pay for Insurance

'89 slotchback, minivan and tercel - $240/mnth… mind you, there are 4 drivers too

95 240sx

$146/month, full coverage.

I’m 25, primary driver, no accidents, no speeding tickets, absolutely nothing on my driving record ever since I got my G1 in 1996 :slight_smile:
Also, I had my full G for 5+ years…

95 LE
20 years old
1 speeding ticket
1 accident
1500/year full coverage (helps to know your broker)

95 s14

300/ month

im 19

i wanna know your broker too…


3 yrs ago
89 topaz
no claims/tickets

98 accord
1 not at fault in 2003- delivery truck backed into my parked car.
no tickets.

My honest advice is forget trying to find a random cheap company, they dont exist. Go for a company that has somekind of affiliation to something you do, school/work/union/club.

Example, my bro in law: 35, 5-6 tickets, 2 claims, 93 accord pays about $1100 yr through UofT. Same company quoted me >2000 before I had my 1 claim.

Now I’m looking at a company that offers to my union as well as another one for gov’t workers.
This is about the only guaranteed way to find a really cheap rate in my opinion. :frowning:

hmm im 22 , G1 … yeah getting G2 and G withing a week… clean record
live in missaugua and bought a 1990 240 hatch … any guesses how much i will have to pay … i cant get a qoute coz i only have a G1

looking to see insurance rates of ppl around 22 that have a G with a clean record and live in Missugua and drive a S13


almost 300 a month with a g class licence.

these insurance questions always come up during spring i love it

I guess I will get into mine a little bit more other then price…

$375 mth and I’ll be 23 this year… I have my G, two speeding tickets and one accident at fault.

and the know i have a SR20 etc… or that the car is turbo charged.

I just got a quote today from Bel Air Direct, my friend reccomended them b/c he got 3400 a year on his FC Turbo II with a G2 and never having driven before. 3900 a year for me, with 1 at fault, had my G less than 2 years, way cheaper than anyone else. Internet said 5500 first, then 5900 second time I checked, and on phone quotes I got between 6000 - 7500. Definitely consider giving them a call if you have shit rates.