leeme see some rates ppl , it will give me an idea of what to expect to pay for insurance
$2400, Economical.
$4600… (bending over smiley here)
'97 240sx LE
26 years old
$115/month for full coverage
(sorry, 6 star driver, luckily enough for me, the majority of my large tickets have been in the US and between my dad and I, we have like 9 cars insured, and a house each. They like us.
Beat’cha by $100…
$4500 a yr here and I’m on facility
Nordic facility, I think its $480, but they’ve screwed me around so I’ve already paid about $110 for each month in the future.
$480 X 12 = $5760, shitload of tickets, I haven’t had less than 10 demerit points in like 3+ years
It keeps going up, and my facility company changes their name every year. 14 months till my 25 year old reduction, I may just take a foriegn bride and get the married reduction too. :twisted:
23 years old, G class 5 years, 90 S13, stars 1
I was paying 550 mth minimum coverage with a perfect record. Beat that.
i think that you age, driver class, record, etc. come into play here
possibly if you want to post all that it could be a good comparison, maybe if there are enough people i will take it all and put it in a excel chart.
i already have one started for various cars for someone who is 21, G class, and has no tickets using this site http://www.kanetix.com/ if anyone wants this i can send it too them
28 years old only one ticket on record.
If I lived in Woodbridge = $1495.00 per year
But because I live 3.5 minutes down the street from the Woodbridge border and it’s considered Toronto
I pay = $2389.00 per year
Only because I live a few blocks down the street.
Oh yeah that’s only reliabilty, fire and theft. Not collision.
Thanks Toronto! Not only do I get screwed with my property taxes every year but I also get screwed with my insurance! Wow what a great city!
I think the only good thing about living in Toronto is that our crap makes it to the sewage treatment plant faster then most others :lol: .
I think Etobicoke shouldn’t be part of this GTA bullshit. Personally Etobicoke would be better if it was it’s own country :lol: .
$150 a month min coverage.
22 years old, in my name as primary
10 tickets…hahah
i was able to mess with my tickets enough to have my record show up clean when i renewed my insurance at the end of february, but my next two years of insurance will be more i am sure once they see a couple tickets on there… but after this term i will only have 2 mor before i turn 25…
strategy boys… strategy.
You can only play this game so long before it catches up to you. I’m a prime example.
1993 SE
22 years old
record includes 1 speeding ticket for…uh…19 over i think
radar detector
one at-fault acccident from like 6 years back
i pay
$140 a month for PLPD
(Sudbury Ontario)
109 a month
22, 6 star rating.
a little advise to some people…get boomerang two and save a great amount on insurance every month…and have piece of mind that it makes it nearly impossible to steal the car…
90’ SE
$451 every 6 months.
I live in Windsor.
I’m still waiting on a quote from my friend’s hookup as well as my mom’s work hookup, but through normal channels, I get quoted at 5500 a year for 1 at fault accident over a year ago, almost 20 years old 93 SE hatch.
cheapest I found is personel. Im under them for 3000 annually and Im a first timer. Let me know if you need reference, that way you get 10% off and I get a discount aswell!!!
approx $120/mnth for the 240
but with the probe on the road and storage insurance for the 240 its only $90mnth :?
Clean record completely, except for 4-year ago minor at-fault. 23 years old. I’m primary, with a G.
Reduced to $331/Month when I got my alarm. Yay me.
Funny thing is, according to Kanetix and InsuranceHotline, my rates are a miracle… :roll:
1993 Coupe, 19, Clean record, G2 and live Toronto…
$428/mth $5136/year