How much do you make an hour?

Education: droped out
Job: I have you by your balls
Pay: I pay $5.10 a month health instuance

I felt this way too. Thats why Im doing networking. That cant be outsourced easily. But a CIS degree is what my piece of paper will say.

The amount of HS drop outs in this thread is appalling. What is so hard about HS that you couuldn’t make it?

ALL of my friends dropped out for various reasons, so basically my main group of friends wasn’t with me for 11 and 12th grade. I still bust their chops for being so lazy, and they know they made a stupid descision. Except for my friend Tony. He wasn’t smart enough to pass HS.

Even with outsourcing…there is always a homeland network being piped overseas. Security and advancements roll on, the network doesn’t maintain itself. Even with virtual computing there is core hardware and work needing to be done on the virtuals image. IT is probably the safest, though not totally immune.

LZ or any of you network guys…what kind of cert pathing would you suggest from someone starting on his higher level networking career path?
I can haz moniez???

Im going for my network + cert ASAP.

I had some issues …the GED is comming soon I need to take a few classes …but I also make over 45k a year.

Education: HS diploma, some college, Tech cert for 2 years of auto schooling at erie 1 boces.
Job: Landscaper/Mechanic’s assistant @ H&H Trucking (start monday)
Hourly: $10 @ the new job. $10 base landscaping, but depends. (sometimes I do my own jobs and walk away with $800+ net for 1 day of work)
Perks: full health coverage, 401k, paid vacations @ H&H

Get a Network+ or CCNA in your own time. It gets your foot in the door to a lot of places for an interview since anyone who has setup their home router thinks they have “networking experience”.

From there, you can aim your path for products and technologies in the field you want and focus on hardware platforms you want to get into.

Where is Beck?

CCNA is the way to go…but backing it up with one the job experience is also a big :tup:

Someone mentioned biometrics for security…That might work for authentication but security it so much more webapps, protocols, network design.

I make an average network engineer salary the problem is a lot of the smaller local IT companies don’t want to pay OR you get tied up in being just another Microsoft server guy.

He didn’t want to overload your virtual memory with all the zeros in his check.

LOL, at a toyota dealer his check is probably nothing but 0’s this week.

A lot of entry level IT jobs I see want you to have an associates degree.

Education = Masters Degree in Technology Design
Job = System Administrator / Manager
Pay = Pretty good for the area

As the company slowly falls apart and I look for jobs, my education doesn’t mean a lot. Everyone requires certifications. Studies show that when the economy is booming and companies have money, they like education because they know the people are smart {supposedly} and they can train them to work the way they want them to work and they tend to be better long term employees.

When the economy is bad and companies are very very tight on personnel, they like certifications because it means you have the knowledge to do the exact job they need done right now.

Every industry is cyclical though. During the .com boom kids flocked to these fields. It was easy to rake in big checks with no background. These days the industry is pretty flooded but good candidates can still make good money. Its just a lot harder than it used to be…

I make fat cash!

OT- IT guys LOVE to tote what they make lol.

apparently reading comprehension isn’t something you need to get a degree…

Education: BA in one more semester
job: student / overnight forklift driver
hourly wage: $18
weekly: however many hours I have time to work, depending on school load.

Thanks for the replies.
I’ll have to find the trainingz for them. Net+ shouldn’t be much of a stretch I don’t think. CCNA I have no idea…never touched a cisco box…yet. :wink:

Net+ is a real general overview of networking technology entry level.

CCENT/CCNA = entry to mid level a lot of concepts not just cisco commands

CCNP = more advanced stuff

I know a few CCNPs that don’t know jack though but you can figure that out pretty quick talking to them.

If your serious about having a network career you should really build a lab out of old 2600s or virtual machines to get some practice time.

i made 50 grand last week
whored myself out to 50 really fat chicks for a grand a piece