how much power can stock a h22 motor make

Yea but he had ricer excuses

bro my clutch was slipping, only in 4th gear

Cliff…H’s actually are more expensive to build. Ask Boogie…he knows all about it. After my ITR commited suicide, I started pricing out rebuilding the bottom end, and just so happens that Boogie was the same day for his H22. So he and I got talking about other prices between the two. Everything from cams, to headers, to intake mani’s, to springs and retainers…the price was higher on it all. Sure it maybe only be $30 here…$50 there…but in the end you’re spending a few hundred more for the same parts on a H as for a B.

thanks alot to everyone. got all the info. i need.

Glad to see someone understands where I was coming from

Like I said Travis, you act like its 1000’s of dollars. Its not… you brought up Laskey, so we can use Laskey. $75 dollars more… for the parts you listed, and then $20 dollars more for cams… so for $95 dollars you’ll have the same exact build but for an h series instead of a b series.

BUT… with Mahle golds… you do NOT need to fully build the h series to see 500whp… so the fact that an h is …$95 more dollars to build… doesn’t really matter.

This isn’t an H vs B thread like you’re making it out to be…

K series…

Annnnnd GO :lol

give it up.:retardclap

Honestly its enough with the travis comments, you dont know me and until you do i suggest you shut your mouth and never ever compare me to scum bag Travis again.

i think he fantasizes about travis. all he ever does is talk about him :gay

Why? You act like him… I’ll call you him. So keep making your suggestions. =)

Your such a badass :retardclap Im honestly so extremely emotionally hurt that Cliff himself doesnt like me :cry:

Yes, I am. I’m such a badass… I live my life a quarter mile at a time, and whoever has a slower car than me, I tell them to go fuck themselves. Thats the epitome of cool…

And I’m sorry you’re so emotionally hurt. I never meant to place such emotional distress upon someone of your standards… I never knew you wore your heart on your sleeve. <33 I’ll try to be more caring next time.

knock it off man.

and chris, ignore him, hes an idiot, dont feed into this.

Seriously he’s ones thick headed sob

hes just a troll, always has been on here.

Mk it’s a two way street. He insulted me first… I’m just replying to his posts… Play favorites all you want and call me a troll because you feed more shit on here than anyone.

And I’m not thick headed… Like I said, what substance have you provided in this thread? You haven’t posted anything tech worthy. I posted a legitamate route he could go with and at a realistic budget. You voiced your opionion… And told him to get a b series. That sure helps the thread… BUT I’m the troll.

Keep playin favorites, fine by me. Circle jerk in your clique all you want.

Whoa whoa whoa there is no circle jerk going on here with out kramer so quit posting these ridiculous claims of circle jerks you son of a bitch

i told you and him both to quit it, you quit making your half-wit replies and i told him to stop feeding you… non biased. this is the end of this thread though.