How often do you get/give the finger?

I use to fly the bird a lot, that was years ago.

However, I had flipped one recently. I don’t know what it is, but people drive a lot more stupid whenever I am towing something. Usually it is because I like to keep a good momentum going. Anyways, it was night and I was doing the usuall ~70mph. Ya’ know slow enough to tow responsibly and fast enough to not hold up traffic.

Anyways, I go to pass a guy doing 55 and there was some Ford crossover SUV and a Semi in the fast lane passing him as well. The semi was doing 60 and then pulled back to the right after he completed the pass. The Ford continued in the fast lane @ 60, pacing the tractor trailor and blocking traffic. So I got on their ass so the line behind me could get going. Anyways they sped, showing me up as my 10,000 lb ass slowly climbed back up to 70. Then they hit the brakes. So I was like wtf?

Pulled to the right, floored it up to 80 (this took like 30 secs), pulled along side, turned on my interior lights (night time mind you), layed on the horn, and flipped a bird that was 6" long (even though my fingers are 3" long). And wouldn’t you know it, a woman was driving…