How to block people from using IE?

I don’t know!!

No, XP Pro, SP1

also, the ‘log onto’ box at the password screen, what does it say?

It says “Administrator”. (I have it set to use the classic login, not that “pick a name” nonsense, because if I have it set as that, the Administrator user doesn’t show up in the damn list) I don’t have a password set.

A network workgroup? Yes. Otherwise I don’t know what you mean. My user (in My Computer, User Profiles, etc. says SALES/Administrator).

Safe mode doesn’t work (yes, I logged in as Administrator)… won’t let me delete or change the type of account.

safe wont

you’re using a workgroup.

assign a password for the admin… make it something easy if need be, then reboot, they try to change permissions… there is a setting for anonymous privlidges… wtihout a password on admin goofy things might happen, i’ve always had a pw.

also, right click my comp, properties… computer name… what is filled in… domain or workgroup?

Workgroup is filled in, along with full computer name.

How would setting a password for the Administrator change my ability (or lack thereof) to change the settings for a completely different user?

:rolleyes: nerds!

Tried giving password to Administrator, no luck. Good news is that everyone can still access stuff that I have shared, without being prompted for a password. So that’s good! I can set the default guest account to not have internet access, right?

you can try… i’ll have to look for the setting for guest account… it hink it’s in the local policy…

also you can just hit ctrl alt delete and click set password for teh admin account.

Registry is the answer! lol

so you’re the one that’s going to be liable when she fucks it up and needs help rebuilding it?

the solution is to see what exactly the setup is in her office and figure ito ut…

i’m sure it’s something simple.

I can set a password to the admin account just fine.

Hey sonny, you were saying about the gpedit.msc? If I go into the account that I don’t want to be able to access the internet, and change the IE settings in there, it will only apply for that user correct? I can password protect the guest2 account (since it’s an administrator) and create a third one that would be limited access (provided it will let me) and then give the third one NO password. That would work, right?

ok… get pissy about it… haha, i dont care… i’m just kiddin around

i’m not pissy man? why do you think that? because i said fuck?

all i’m saying is that i can rebuild a registry using the recovery console… took me a good while to do so… and that’s on a machine that i know whats going on… i’m not about to try to remotely solve an issue through the registry with someone… been there, not going to do it again.

jenn lemme see what is the easiest for you… you can also simply use permissions on the executable for admins only.

waaay to much work has been poured into this

Ok… i got cha, its cool

Here, try this… this is what my old boss used to do if he couldnt figure it out in the first 5 mins.

FORMAT AND REINSTALL WINDOWS! lol… weaves will know what i mean… it solves all the problems in the world! :bash: :bash:

humm… bobby is right, but thinking abotu shit like this is what i do? so fuck it?

anyway… one thing to keep in mind is that fucking with IE to not allow access might fuck with real deal shit at wokr… so do 1 thing at a time and if it deosn’t work, revert back to the original setting.

with that said.

just jump into the local security settings… .up in control panel, admin tools local s policy

in there, go to software resrtictions… then hit add new… then double click on enforcement and click on the everyone except admins… then setup the restriction and you’re done.

that will entail that computer, and that computer alone.

^^ Is that going to affect people who access my computer through the network? Or just the local users?

I have successfully setup a new administrative user (which I’m in the process of transferring all my documents and such over), and also a Limited user. That way I don’t have to use the main Administrator account anymore. If what you just told me to do will block the Limited Access user from accessing the interweb, then I’m golden. Otherwise, we need to figure out another way to do it.

Nevermind! Apparently IE holds settings for each specify user. So I set the proxy to for my guest user, and it doesn’t work. ROFL. I’m going to have it default to a page that looks like this: :nono: That’s what you get for trying to view questionable contented websites on someone else’s computer :nono:

Sweetness! Now I just have to make sure that my boss knows the password in case he wants to use my computer (seeing as he doesn’t have one here in the building). :hs:

wasn’t that the first suggestion i gave you?

Let her go…


i hear that… you’re experience overcomes any logic.