Ha that’s pretty slick
nice, I should give this a try
Do that with a serpentine belt… Pretty slick trick though
hahaha thats cool
but yea really…watch those fingers
yea, watch those fingers… lol
ive actually done similar with peoples cars that we cant get the tensioners loose on… only putting it back on, not taking off… i just did it the other day with my alt belt, cause its easier than getting the lower alt bolt to move sometimes…lol…
hot damn thats slick.
that looks sketchy as fuck
is he friends with this guy? http://www.gixxer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242261
So cool!
Yikes. I like my fingers.
thats crazy. i wouldnt expect it to pop back on that easily.
I wonder if his friend “Reece” bled to death in his garage?
i waited all day to view this. it was worth it…
I wonder what the flat rate time is on that. lol
few positions behind the decimal point… lol. no thanks… i’ve seen it done by barring the engine over with a ratchet, but when it’s running? screams bad idea.
5.5 seconds, what a liar