how to change rear plugs on 3.4ltr grand prix?

i was told you can disconnect the upper motor mount and roll the car forward but something seems to be holding it from movin…? i hate this car an this is the last thing i gotta do before i sell it… anyone know how or where to look…

get it up the in the air and have a swivel on a ratchet, thats how i did it, and when i say up in the air like 6ft on a lift.

i have a 3.4 grand am. I havent changed my plugs yet. I hear it fuckin sucks. Also the reason I didnt buy headers.

^^^ you have a 3400 … different motor …

will … pull the weather strip off the cowl piece … either bend the cowl up … or i just cut a notch out for my extention to fit through … 3 2" wide cuts … call me if ya need me to do it for ya …

let me know how much for the car too … thanx

Yuk, yeah…that job sucks. Theres no real easy way to do it.