how to deal with a problem customer.

Hello Gang.

I had a customer call my business and order a 2300 dollar engine and transmission. He wanted to pay via paypal because he could get financing through them. We agreed, and shipped the unit to his address.

The buyer was very nervous about making the transaction, he would call me every day asking where it was, and I would give him the tracking number every day. He thought we were out to scam him, he claimed he worked in the government.

So the engine was one day late, which is commonplace when dealing with 600 pound palletized freight.

He took it upon himself to run background checks on myself, and my brother who is a salesman in my business. He then started calling my personal cell phone, as well as my brothers phone non stop asking where the product was, even though I had calmly explained it to him where it was. I then got a phone call from my father, asking me why this guy from florida is calling him looking for me.

At this point, i’m very angry, but maintained a professional attitude with the guy. He finally got his purchase, and he started calling us non stop again. Saying how the engine was dirty looking (it sat in a warehouse for 3 years, and it was a used engine).

He then somehow got the phone number and address of my vendor, who supplied the engine, and started bullying them on the phone to give him a credit because the engine was dirty. He also lied and told them we said it would include a harness, and he threatened them and told them he wanted a new $500 dollar wiring harness from the dealer.

I am very close with my vendor on a personal and professional level. He called me and offered the guy half of what he wanted and told him to go away. The vendor paid the guy a credit, and never asked me for any money.

Now, here we are weeks later and this guy is calling my personal cell phone non stop, demanding that I pay him in cash the rest of the money.

What can I do here? Can I tell this guy to pound salt, and not fear a chargeback?

He did not bid on the item on ebay, he sent us a direct paypal payment. We shipped what he purchased to him, and we even gave him a credit because he complained about his purchase.

Is there limitations, or can he just tell paypal to yank 2300 out of my account?

I odn’t think they can take money unles they prove that you didn’t provide what was promised.

I would skip all bs and go to police but thats just me.

dude… that blows man, though honstly I’m supprised that this is the first dickhead you’ve run into (god knows there are alot of 'em out there). I’d tell him to go fuck a stump personally (or send him some degreaser and tell him to get to work). I guess leason learned, from now on I’d make sure you come up with some kind of agreement/form that they have to agree to before you go thru with the transaction to protect yourself from this kind of shit

tell if there is such a problem with the engine to send it back out of his pocket, and you will be happy to refund him the money, minus a restocking fee.

Let’s start with…What was put in writing?

3 words:

flaming poo bag

but seriously. People like this are why i will never, ever, be involved in retail.


I have the invoice that we mailed him, which itemizes everything that we sent to him. Every part, its a whole page long. I also have our warranty terms which was sent to him.

Well that’s ugly. Sounds like you got yourself a psycho. Check with paypal to make sure he can’t do a charge-back. Then send him a notarized letter (the kind where he has to sign for it and you get the receipt with his signature) stating that everything was delivered as per your agreement and if he doesn’t stop harassing you and your vendor, you will file a harrassment complaint with the police. Include whatever other legal tactics you can think of. Dick heads like this run when someone pushes back in a way beyond their tactics.

ok, since slomies didnt post yet, ill tell you this.


slomies bought a motor off ebay and payed with paypal. the fucker screwed him and claimed someone jacked his ebay/paypal accounts and that he was not going to take responsability for the motor and whatnot. the fucktards mom even tried to defend him. long story short slomies had submitted the forms through paypal WITHIN A WEEK OF THE AUCTION END that he wasnt recieving any confirmation from the seller…JUST IN CASE. so he finds out he got screwed and was happy he filed…that was until paypal only gave him back $230 out of the $2300 he spent for the motor, and said that was all they could do.

so dont worry about the chargeback…go to your cellphone provider and have this dude’s phone number blocked and never look back.

I would file a complaint to the police for harrassment… I’ve looked up the law on such before and states that even phone calls to annoy are grounds for harassment charges.

Send him a formal letter stating that if he continues to persue the issue, that you will file charges… and if he slanders your name… file a lawsuit for defamation of character.

You laid out what he was buying… how much it was… he paid… you delivered… end of transaction… He’s just looking for a free lunch…

:word: I had the same thing happen to me in a similiar situation,where i only got about half of my money back.They have some policy where they can only give you a certain amount back.Thats for ebay though.

Most other items are covered up to $200 (minus a $25 processing fee) with eBay’s standard purchase protection program
This program provides enhanced coverage up to $1,000 with no processing fee on qualifying items when you pay with PayPal.Only certain are eligible.

So you should be set.If he files a complaint through paypal then just give them your tracking number and then that would settle that.Then block his number or if he continues to harass then go to the police

^^ Most likely. Either that he’s a complete ebay/online noob.

Personally I don’t think I’d buy an expensive motor over the Net… however, I have bought cars before so I guess I stand corrected. Even when I did though, I knew the risk at hand and that it is a completely different ball game than standard retail transactions.

Send the letter, tell him he was already partially refunded because of common business courtesy, but there’s no reason for you or the supplier to take a hit b/c he didn’t understand how the process works.

did he have pictures of it before he bought it?

He knew it was used?

did u say It would be clean? why would he want to be refunded the entire engine if it was a little dirty. He called the vendor on a 3 year old motor…

I thought used stuff is sold as is…what is your warranty? you mentioned you have a warranty.

BTW, if you done working it out with him, TELL him not to call you anymore! Tell him to bring you to court, all communcations will cease. (I say this cause you didn’t mention saying dont call, you might just be taking all calls shaking your head…) after you tell him, im sure some stuff could be done with phone company, or court for harrassment. harrassment suits are to deter, if he has to give you a good chunk of change out of his own pocket im sure the calls will come to an abrupt end.

It sounds as if he thought he was getting a brand new motor…or is a scammer and wants a free motor…

Paypal only covers $175 for refund. The remainder must come directly from the seller. Sometimes they will throw in another $50 credit if they are feeling generous. This is their official policy. I got screwed on ebay for a bum turbo kit, and they only gave me back $200 of the $600 I spent. But, I fixed the problem by disputing the charge with my credit card company.

You want to make sure he can’t get the money? Empty the account and close it. Then tell him to go fuck himself.

Unfortunately thats the safest way to go. But if you still have $$ in the bank account that is linked to the Paypal account, empty that too, because Paypal will steal it from there. They are a shady company that doesn’t have to abide by the rules that say, a bank is required to, and they are not FDIC regulated. In short, they have you by the balls as soon as you sign up. You sign over your rights by agreeing to all that fine print, and they can do pretty much whatever they want.

I think after 6 months, I am FINALLY getting the $630 back that paypal held hostage from my account. No chargebacks, they just thought I was involved with another party that supposedly owed them $46, so after a dozen phone calls and countless emails, I still couldn’t get it unlocked. The experience was INSANE to say the least. A bunch of incompetent cheating liars! I only got it back because a court case from a few years ago requires them by law to release it. My account is still locked, GREAT! I don’t plan on using it again anyway. If you use this company (sometimes you have no choice), take measures to protect yourself. /Rant.
