how to deal with a problem customer.

ok, since slomies didnt post yet, ill tell you this.


slomies bought a motor off ebay and payed with paypal. the fucker screwed him and claimed someone jacked his ebay/paypal accounts and that he was not going to take responsability for the motor and whatnot. the fucktards mom even tried to defend him. long story short slomies had submitted the forms through paypal WITHIN A WEEK OF THE AUCTION END that he wasnt recieving any confirmation from the seller…JUST IN CASE. so he finds out he got screwed and was happy he filed…that was until paypal only gave him back $230 out of the $2300 he spent for the motor, and said that was all they could do.

so dont worry about the chargeback…go to your cellphone provider and have this dude’s phone number blocked and never look back.