How To Get Girls: 101

:withstupi I agree with the statement about “following suit” with everyone else and doing the same shit to get into a conversation with a member of the opposite sex. Every person is different, using the same shit gets old for them. Being yourself is the only real way to come up with something unique since, unless you’ve tried to get with her once, you are unique.

lol :tup: :tup: :tup:

don’t do what JEG does to get chicks. Whatever it is, it doesn’t work



lol…you realize i was Joking in my post right? I dont go out much hence i dont get many girls, although i did go on a date last night that was realy nice. Saw wedding crashers, went to starbucks for coffee and madeout in my car for 3 hrs…not a bad night id say.

<- got engaged this weekend, does that qualify me to be cool?

So your telling me you mom wasn’t really at work last night?

JEG… I don’t post anything serious on here. Dont get offended. And don’t capitalize letters in the middle of a sentence unless it is a pro-noun

Beck has success because he has an “outgoing” personality (or so i thought until I read iamjeff’s post HA @ YOU). Girls are attracted to someone who is interesting/different to them… Now this encompasses all things. Some girls are interested in money, some in cars, some in tattoos (i guess?). I’m sure most girls at 18-20 are tired of seeing popped collar wearing dicks and see this kid with a girl’s belts and pants on and some weird ass tattoo and are like whats up with this kid. Then he uses his mad l33t skillz to seal the deal. Girls like confidence and a sense of humor almost universally.

wow…interesting thread

now taking applications for nude posers to lay on my big “wing” :stuck_out_tongue:

dead on.

Before I got enganged, I got no tail at all, but a few years ago I was at a party, just drinking and hanging out, well, out of no where this girl comes by starts talking to me and stuff and I’m like damn, this never happens, but my friend Sasha comes by and asked me a question about a car, and don’t forget I was drinking, so I go off on this tangent about something and all, and then I see her just back away slowly and then she’s gone, yah, most girls don’t like to hear about cars.

It’s the truth–I’ve been proposed to by 17 year olds and 65 year old women alike…they just keep me around because I’m fun. Because I am a space cadet. Because I don’t my stomp last years pradas at them :frowning:

Yes it is. :lol:


Its true…

Beck :tup:

dumb opinion

wow so many haters in this thread

i read the thing objectively and couldnt see where he was telling anyone not to be themselves

if it gets him what he wants then :gotme:


thats awesome