How to get out/reduce ticket of a Expired Inspection in Amherst?

well i got a ticket for a expired inspection I forgot that my inspection was up in october…so when driving to school taking the exit off the 990 into UB when merging into the UB autobahn i merge right next to the cop and i signal to go into his lane the turning lane…so i slow down…and he slows down…so im like wtf? I know he didnt see my inspection sticker or anything wrong…im assuming he just wanted to be a ass and pull me over…so i wait for him to pass but he didnt want to so i pass him and he followed…then pulled me over and gavee me a ticket and im supposed to show up for court the 30th. He was a asshole but i was not gonna start with him.

  1. I have heard if i get my inspection done within a certian time i can get it dropped or reduce.
  2. How much is it just to plead guilty?

Thanks for the help in advance

get ur car inspected within 24 hours

I’m pretty sure inspection isn’t a fix it ticket. My wife got one several years ago on the 290, on Friday the 2nd and the cop gave her a ticket even when she had an appointment to get the car inspected that Saturday. Even getting it done less than 24 hours later, with a receipt and a signed form from the shop saying she had the appointment since the 1st the judge would not toss it. Sometimes cops/judges really are assholes.

EDIT: It was that black cop who always used to be on the 290 in the camaro. A couple times I came VERY close to stopping in his little hideout under the overpass and leaving a few tire tacks for him to “find” when he backed down in there to hide.

how much was the ticket? and i guess im fucked paying the whole amount?

does this go on my driver record? or is it a non-point violation?

has it been 24hrs yet go get it inspected. hurry hurry hurry

I don’t remember how much it was. It was long enough ago that it probably wouldn’t matter because I’m sure the fine has gone up by now (this is NYS remember). I’m pretty sure it’s a no point violation.

no i’ll get it inspected today i got pulled over at 520pm i;ll get it done before then but if i cant get it reduced then im fucked. know of any place around here that does inspection pass 3:30pm?

do i need mufflers to pass inspection?