how to import from USA ?

did any one ever import a rust-free 240 from USA ?
how to do it ?
is the paper work hard ?
is there any dealer doing this ?
how can i found the car and know it is rust free ?

thank for help guys :slight_smile:

Google is your portal to information.

afaik you have to have the registration for hte car at the border 3 days before you bring it over

there are fees for cars with A/C and if you just went over to buy the car you may be subject to a huge tax.

a friend of mine from highschool was going to have to pay a $800 tax because he just went to FLA to bring up a car, but luckily he was over the border for a whol week and could prove it with receipts so he didnt have to.

I will let you know as soon as I’m done with doing it for myself. My cousin in California is gonna source out a car for me then ship it to Detroit where I’ll drive it back with a dealer plate.


I’ve done it. It’s difficult unless you really trust the seller.

Paperwork isn’t hard.

Dealerships don’t and won’t do it

Look at pictures to see if it’s rust free. That’s the best you’ll get unless you wan’t to travel down there and check it out in person.

thx for help guys ^^