How to steal from any major retail stores

:lol: I was at best buy a few days ago when some dude was trying to return opened software. He got so mad he worked his way through several associates, started yelling at a girl who must have weighed 95 pounds soaking wet. She just walked away in the middle of his tyrade since he was being so threatening. After a few minutes of his tantrum he literally tagged his wife in and she took a turn being a bitch. It was hilarious listening to the associates explain that it’s not legal, he was yelling, calling them children, yadda yadda yadda.

The best part was when the girl came back not knowing that his wife was there now, and asked if he had finally left. The wife piped up with something snide and the girl replied “Ma’am, your husband was very angry and yelling at me. I felt threatened. I was making sure he was gone for my own safety.”


I wanted to stick around to see if they called security but I had better things to do. The sad part is that they were there with a baby. That kid’s going to have issues…