HowTo: Hijack "Every iPhone In The World"

Hahahah. EPIC.

Further proof BB > iPhone. :tongue

Further Proof BB/Palm > Apple.

You know why Apple is being attacked along with Windows Mobile? Because they own the biggest share of the markets (much of it due to fanboi’ism. Many people buy them because they are popular. They don’t even bother researching competitors products).

Same thing as Windows OS. Why is it that Mac’s don’t get virus’? Cause no one wants to waste time writing that stuff for a small number of machines. It’s much more glorifying to attack the leader in the PC OS’s (market share wise).

Don’t worry, I fixed it for you.

Technically, all three are pretty equal at the top. Each offer their pro’s and con’s.

But like I said, many people don’t research the competitor markets and just go with what they think is most popular.

I went with the Pre due to WebOS, which is supposed to be the next generation OS for such phones. The potential is astounding with this OS. They can do so much with it.

It may be in future phones… but the first phone is the ginnie pig and will have its problems… just like the first iphone dide… the seoncd one got better… the 3rd one has most of what everyone wants…

Many others buy them because they are better products as well.

I’ve been a PC all my life and still am, however after doing my research and testing out many new phones I know own one Apple product, an iPhone and it’s fantastic.

You still won’t see me behind a Mac, but the phone is by far superior to most of it’s competition and mine isn’t even jail broken.

funny cause you will only see me behind a mac but i will never have an iphone in my pocket.

I think the only Apple product I’ve ever had was my iPod. That baby is my life.

So about the potential hack and back on topic…

I wonder how long 'till Apple actually fixes it.

Well it’s been a month and they haven’t even commented on it.

Speaking of iPhone:


I’m not too worried about this. OS 3.1 is to be released soon and im certain their gonna do something about this.

hehe :thumbup

another reason i love my blackberry.

In business, where alot of incoming calls are generated, you simply can not beat the functionality of visual voicemail on the iphone. Youmail does not compete. Other than that, the iphone is weak compared to BB/Palm. I have them all.

iphone sound quality and reception are by far, the worst of the group.

I can definitely attest to sound quality and reception being the worst I’ve ever had out of all the phones.

However I’m posting this from the iPhone now and as far as web browsing is concerned it’s the most intuitive and functional. (not counting flash without jailbrake)

FYI… that little trick doesnt just work on the iphone…

It exploits any GSM phone…

The iphone of course being the most popular due to its popularity