HUUUUUUGE disappointment

So my mother and I had been doing some car shopping over the past month and finally decided to go with a 2006 Toyota Solara. After going back and forth and around town to different dealers, the HUGE man at fuccillo. They gave us the best deal and brought the price down to where we were comfortable, so we decided that we would go with them.

So on Saturday when I was at work, my mom picks up her car. we find out later that the car does not come with heated seats and woodgrain interior that was promised to her when she bought the car. The dealership also pulled some other garbage and when my mom walked out of the door, she left with a car that was missing options and was $50 more a month then what they quoted her on. Needless to stay I didn’t stand for this and neither did she. The car went back today.

The salesman who sold her the car, JOHN GOLDER was extremely rude and unkind to my mother. When my mother complained about the options that we missing her claimed that she only asked what “major options” were missing from this model. LOL what a crock of garbage that was. He threw my moms plate from the car at her when he was giving it back and after my mother cleared stuff up with the manager ( who was cool i guess) she left the building only to be confronted by JOHN GOLDER the “salesman”. He yelled at my mother, called her dishonest, etc etc.

WE did not buy a car from them and if you go there, do not do business with JOHN GOLDER.he = BAD

edited for coolness :wink:

Jon, you should punch people sometimes.

Garbage :tdown:

sucks dude. i wouldnt ever buy a car from that fuckin guy…

That is not the 1st complaint I heard about fuccillo

Your ma should of gave him one of these :2fingers:

happend to me at west herr. next time pm skurge420 he works at basil and he prolly can get u a good deal.

That’s BS. Don’t be surprised to see if that dood doesn’t work there too long.

you have his name. google it, see if you can find where he lives…MUAHHAHAHAH!

What the hell. That shit wouldn’t fly with my family. And it didn’t when I got fucked over with an incident at Towne Buick.

Making a scene is what we do best :slight_smile:

If i was there and he pulled that crap, he would have been looking at the exhaust system of an echo wondering why his nose hurt and why he was looking up from ground level.

edit: He’s gonna hear more from us, dont worry. my mom did hold her ground though.

talk to the sales manager about it, im sure they would love to know he fucked up an easy sale.

yelling at moms = getting hit by a large object.

Most car salesmen are assholes, and if they arent usually the managers are. I would say more often its the manager, from my experience selling cars.

I would blame the salesman as stealth has done, not the dealership itself most likely. Some sales people need to learn the hard way I guess… :tdown:
Sucks you got dicked around.

30 nysoeeders show up there and be like yuou have a problem with our mom

YEAH!!! and my mom rocks. many NYSPEEDERS COULD BACK THAT!

I’m down :slight_smile:

I’d be up for it, pushy sales people kept me from buying last year. I’m down :tup:

Thats pretty gay. I haven’t heard many good things about the sales guys at Fuccillo.

:tdown: to that guy. I always heard good things from fucillo (many people i know bought from there), but i guess there is a first time for everything. hopefully they’ll do something about this guy. once word gets out that he’s not good to deal with he won’t be selling many cars, lol.