Hydro lock any one?

I know here in Brampton a LOT of the roads have or had over 18" of water in certain spots.

Just wondering if any one hydro locked their motor? Anything like that.

The water bent my front plate in a 90 degree upwards. Broke almost all my splash guards.

In all my years of driving I have never seen flooding this bad, so quick.

PLEASE be careful.

I just made a thread about being raped by the hail, I checked to make sure no threads were already made cuz I hate reposts…then I clicked this one.

lol Oh well, my title’s better. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah man, the flooding is terrible in the elevation changes of bumpy streets, going to drainage etc. Anyone with a CAI and/or a slammed car is FUCKED lol. I was in my dad’s oldsmobile ripping through the water, like kids jump in puddles. Never gets old. hahaha

This dude in an R8 was swerving around puddles, until he just gave up, pulled over and put his hazards on. ahahahahha

I just said fuck it. Tried to plow through the shit. I hit the water and BAM. Stopped like I hit a fucking brick wall.

My car is not slammed by any means, but she sits quite low. My CAI is up high as well. Was shitting my pants but hey, I’ve gone this far. Fuck it. Insurance!!!

All is well with my car still. Just disgustingly dirty. Gotta check my trunk for water though :frowning:

I noticed all the old people just plow through it, they don’t even give a shit. I was yellin at people telling them to go the other way. Oh man, fucked up shit.

^ you know your insurance probably won’t cover the motor if you have a cold air and hydro lock it right?

I know my adjuster, and broker very well. They will cover it. They is ways around everything.

Good luck man.

hope for the best if it happens, insurance companies will find any way possible to weasel their way out of a claim

My car is fine. LOL

Last year we had a Corvette lock blow the shit outta his motor after he sucked up water. Insurance covered it no questions asked.

had a close call today … i shut the car off immediately …filter was soaked … but the ka still lives!

wow…nothing hit Vaughan that hard…phew! lol