Hyundai surprises me more and more every day...

I think that Kia made a huge jump in the past year with their products. They took themselves to a whole new level with their products and I haven’t seen numbers, but I would bet their sales are up. As far as Hyundai goes, I think they are too well known as being a cheap, entry model car. I do however like their new product line, but it will all come down to how well it holds over time compared to their competition.

I think the biggest test is to take a Hyundai and a Mercedes/any comparable model and put them next to each other in 5 years and see who has better resale value, how much of the factory warranty was used, etc…


It’s nice, but they can keep it with that price…

And Lexus isn’t a Toyota, and Infiniti isn’t a Nissan?

Maybe they should have done the same thing and created a luxury brand, but they have made leaps and bounds in the last ten years and I don’t see why they can’t build a luxury sedan. Didn’t the Japanease companies have to start into the luxury market in a similar way? I just feel like you guys have no foresight sometimes.

They have to start somewhere.

Sorry, but I still don’t think lexus our infinity its on par with bmw or mercedes. There nice, but I don’t think I’d say same class. However I do dig this car, just not the sticker price. I’ll buy used for half price like already mentioned.

I can’t speak for Lexus much because I don’t follow Toyotas newer than the mid 90s, but Infiniti’s are quite comparable to BMWs and Mercedes IMO

World class engines, high quality materials, great build quality, and all the features of BMWs and Mercedes’.

I think it is more about perceived quality opposed to anything real.

I saw one today as some mid 40’s guy was getting out. I literally thought “wow, that guy put ricer wheels on his car?”

Little did I know, those are the stock wheels? How tacky looking… :tdown:

i thought that Genesis was supposed to be their new brand but they just put it under Hyundai for now.

either way, their plan is working. their cars have gone way up in price and the bottom of the market has been picked up by Kia which is basically the same company as Hyundai anyways.

Hyundais are almost as expensive as their Honda / Toyota counterparts and their stealing marketshare like whoa…

You must be talking about the last generation. That was hyundai’s first step into the new hyundai and I do not think it aged very well. Especially the wheels.

I don’t know when the last time any of you guys read a car magazine that didn’t have a vinyl covered shit box on the cover… but Hyundai is selling a lot of cars… a lot of cars that the German car makers are not selling.

Whoever mentioned the LS400 hit the nail on the head. This is the 2nd coming of the econobox name making nice cars… and people buying them… and continuing to buy them religiously. Hyundai doesn’t want to re-brand their cars (Lexus, Infinity)… which is why the Sonata doesn’t have anything on it that says Hyundai… It is just a good looking car called the Sonata, unrelated to the shitty Hyundai Elantras of the last decade.

Go drive one, and then drive the closest competitor with similar options and try to justify paying 2x as much… not $10k more, but 2x as much. Most of the German cars have “relatively cheap” base prices, but you’re going to pay $10k for navigation and sunroof and other expensive options that are standard on the Hyundai.

But you guys are true car enthusiasts… so you already know this stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

my bmw is a now 12 years old, with 184k, and has been in WNY its whole life driven year round.

everything works, its still quiet, runs great, uses no fluids, still rides better then newer cars, not a single rip in the leather, its still a very nice car. open the engine bay and look underneath it, it is extremely clean and has not rotted out or corroded away. all the car has had, has been regular maintenence as needed. wouldnt hesitate to drive across the country with it.

from used cars ive seen out of the american cars and the cheaper economy brands, i would not be able to say the same about those cars. and it is too early to say if these hyundai’s will still last and perform with age / mileage. however just by looking at them, i do not think they would hold up as well. they still look cheap IMO. (not just the exterior)

i would rather buy a used higher end quality car then a new cheaper classed car anyday.

for those that feel that infiniti/lexus are in the same class as mecedes and bmw, after personally working on them and being around them, i do not think they are as good. better then the other brands, but not that much.

My brother just picked up a running BMW for $900, he got a deal but I’m sure there is a Hyundai out there with the same miles that is in better shape.

The fact that everything works on a 12 yr old car with less than 200k miles shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone… most vehicles are not maintained and are actually abused for most of their lives and the engineering and material qualities rarely play a role in how they perform at that age. They were either maintained or they are pieces of shit now.

Now… to say that a BMW and a Hyundai are built to the same standards or that Hyundai is better than BMW would be silly. But, for someone leasing a nice car, or even owning the car for 5 years… the Hyundai suits the owner’s needs just fine, for half the cost. The person who has to worry about maintenance records and build quality is paying about $5k for it 10 years later. The car works now and works really well. And lets face it… anyone who owned a Hyundai in the past was the furthest thing from an enthusiast… and certainly didn’t maintain their car… shit, they only spent $5k on it new… you think they are going to invest into washing it or changing the oil?

43K for a Genesis is CHEAP compared to what Hyundai has on their website,check out the Equus which starts at $58K for the signature model and $65K for the ultimate model, they compare it to the 7 series and LS460. The interior looks sooooo comfy.Then you can price an Accent on the same page for $10K :lol:

ok then how about my dads bmw that is almost 20 years old that runs great, and is also flawless? (aside from when i had to fix it after he got rear ended and it was totaled last winter, but now back to just like before)

obviously a bmw for 900 bucks is going to have problems. but to say a compareably hyundai would be better, is a rather retarded claim.

and this thread is about this new hyundai being in the same class as the bmw or mercedes, i was pointing out that it is not in the same class. not even close. as for these new cars, like i said before it is too early to tell if itll last.

even for someone that is just leasing a car or plans to get rid of it in 5 years, you can still tell the car is of a cheaper quality, even when new.

I prefer the coupe versio of this car over the sedan. Hyundai is making some nice cars i think and if it came down to it i wouldn’t mind having one

some cars are just better off as rentals…

lol yes I would also prefer a $500 dollar beater that was a coveted luxury car when the Bills were in the playoffs over a modern $50,000 dollar luxury sedan because its Korean. Gotta love nyspeed.

Anyhow, it’s not what I would spend that much money on, but I can think of worse ways to spend it.

don’t they have a turbo 4door model now too? it kind of sounded badass lol

sidenote: did anyone see the commercial for the nissan juke? they actually have a knob in the car where you can “turn up the boost” lol. and it says boost on it

<< I sell these cars and yes Genesis is its own “brand” now, its sold through Hyundai dealers but sold as a Genesis, just like Toyota does with Scions

ive sold 3 or 4 of these cars and every one i sold the people absolutely loved it, and the trades were mercedes e500, 5 series bmw, cts-v etc

people need to realize that Hyundai isn’t going anywhere and to be honest we have trouble keeping enough units in stock (accept accents lol)