I am a drug addict.

How can I or anyone not?

It’s one of the most retarded things I ever heard in my entire life. You said it’s ok to smoke marijuana because your parents “don’t care”. Your reasoning scares the shit out of me for a person of your age.

you’re right about the rich people part, I should have mentioned that these people are self made, not just inheriting daddy’s company. for that I apolagize. Is there some negative health risks? maybe, but studies have shown nothing so if so there are miniscule at best, and what isnt damaging to you nowadays? my parents never said its ok. do they know? yes. is it their biggest problem to deal with? as of right now they are just stoked that I am in a great college, and I’m going somewhere with my life unlike alot of people these days (nobody on here). a little mary-jane now and then isnt anywhere near the biggest problem in our country. now you’re right its fuckin 240am I’m going to sleep now. sorry if I went off a little harsh on anybody. I still love you swifty ;D :gay :lol

Fair post. It’s your life so do what you want. I have no problem what people do in their own house. I DO have a problem if you drive around influenced or basically anything that affects others.

The thing that is sketchy to me is some people’s justification. It’s not the act but the reasoning behind it that is retarded.

but at least im not the kind thats like “oh im gonna smoke all i can because my parents dont care”. i do it responsibly but yea that was a stupid ass post lol

Priceless :lol

This thread is already epic.

Just keep posting and I’ll read the spew in the morning.

i just love how every little thing mentioned on this forum turns into some huge thing :lol

I know what alcohol does to people, I know what weed does to people.

I’ll stick with weed thanks.

All of you people taking the “well marijuana is illegal!” side of things are idiots and I suggest you do some unbiased research before making your claims, and I’m not just talking about all the research/crap stoners like to spit out to justify the fact that they’re abusing an illegal drug, all this crap that ITS GOOD FOR YOUR MIND and IT DOESNT HURT YOU. You’re still inhaling the combustion products of a carbon based plant. Just because it doesn’t give you lung cancer, per say, doesn’t mean it’s not hurting you.

That being said I am a regular smoker, and wish I wasn’t. It’s not the weed that gets you, it’s the social aspect of it, it’s hard to not surround yourself with people that smoke and fine yourself in a damaging cycle simply because you ‘like weed’.

Even if I quit I know I wouldn’t be completely quitting as there’s nothing really damaging about taking a rip off a bowl to chill at night. I’d rather smoke a couple bowls every night then drink beer every night.

Alcoholics scare the shit out of me, potheads make me laugh. I’ll stick with pot.

Seriously, that’s a keeper.

smoking is so retarted…

I have never smoked anything in my life and never will…yet alone do any other drug. Hell, Im not even friends with people anymore that do drugs. Its so scumbagish its not even funny.


I’m not gonna go either way on this one.
I don’t care what anyone does.
Just like anything, do it in moderation.
Don’t smoke bowl after bowl and sit inside playing video games on a beautiful summer day.
Don’t get so trashed that you make your friends babysit you, throw up all over, and piss everyone off.
And whatever you’re on, please don’t drive. It’s just not fucking worth it.

The thing that kills me about this thread is everyone that doesn’t smoke pot thinks that all pot heads do is smoke and sit at home. I may only smoke once a day and function in the world every day. I think there are functional pot head then losers that just fail in life. It’s not like that and if you go to the bar twice a week do I get to call you an acholic and consider you a scum big white trash loser. No cause I don;'t judge people like that. And if you judge someone on the vice they decide to use how shallow are you. So if you dad take a medicine every day do I get to call you a flo-naise head?

For the record Pot is america’s largest cash crop…even though we have states devoted to growning corn kinda scary.

I do not condone driving under any intoxication being super high or even .08 that shit will catch up with you quick.


here is my research… weed is illegal, booze is not… tough choice, but I think I’ll stick with booze.

I did quick research and yep, it’s illegal.

Aww, Shawn. Out of context. :nono :lol

So is doing 150mph+ on public street but you didn’t seem to have an issue with that…and it’s MUCH, MUCH more dangerous.

I don’t recall doing 150MPH+ on a public street? Regardless, I said that I didn’t have a problem with it posts back as long as it didn’t affect others. You are the one that said that it’s legal and available in vending machines. :slight_smile:



You dad owns Tuscan grill, you work there, your parents bought you a brand new 335xi, your dad is a former coke head, and your parents say it’s ok to do drugs as long as you are responsible about… I’m not too inclined to stop by the restaurant after knowing all of this. Somethings should be left unsaid.

Lots of :shifty it family